Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left – War

Many, many moons ago, when I was still listening to Rush Limbaugh’s show, Rush had stated that the Left always accuses the Right of what they themselves are doing. This first struck home with me when I heard the Democrats accuse the Republicans of wanting to reinstitute the draft back at the turn of the century. They, and their sycophants in the media, have always attempted to portray the Republicans as war mongering cowboys. However, low and behold, it was the Democrats themselves, particularly Charles Rangel, who introduced legislation pushing for a reinstituting of the draft. This was one of many red pills I would swallow over the years.

The latest red pill regards Joe Biden’s recent bombing of Syria. I am old enough to remember when Biden (or more likely someone on his staff) tweeted at 8:30 pm on 6/22/2019, “Trump’s erratic, impulsive actions are the last thing we need as Commander-In-Chief. No president should order a military strike without fully understanding the consequences. We don’t need another war in the Middle East, but Trump’s actions toward Iran only make that more likely.”  In point of fact, Biden’s current White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tweeted prior to that at 9:27 pm on 4/6/2017, “Also what is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country.” Next thing I know, not even 40 days into his presidency, Biden bombs Syria. As I write this, the current Associated Press headline is as follows, “Biden: Strikes in Syria sent warning to Iran to ‘be careful,’” by columnists Lolita C. Baldor, Robert Burns, and Qassim Abdul-Zahra.

Now, to be fair, Joe Biden probably has no idea that he bombed Syria. I am not sure he knows where he is half of the time. Also, most of us have come to learn by now that we cannot expect honest and fair reporting from the mainstream media. The only people left with faith in the MSM are either rabid ideologues, close-minded bubble dwellers, or imbeciles. Now that may seem harsh, but if you were okay with detaining children in ‘Obama’s Immigration Detention Center’ and ‘Biden’s Migrant Child Facility,’ but outraged by ‘Trump’s Kids in Cages,’ then you may be in one of the aforementioned groups. The bottom line is that I have a simple question that has yet to receive a satisfactory answer, and that is, ‘Why did we bomb Syria?’

Jean-Marc Bovee,  St. Louis, MO

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Weighing in on Cultural Suicide

 In response to Indiana Valparaiso University interim-President Collette Irwin-Knott's decision to scrap the 'offensive' school mascot image of a Christian Knight, the following email was sent to her.  

Dear Interim-President Irwin-Knott --

     I read with sadness of your recent decision to replace your institution's honorable logo of a Christian Knight with something 'less offensive.'  As a history major who graduated from the 'Golden Knights' of Catholic-owned Gannon University in Erie, Pa and later as a history teacher at the "Red Knights" high school in North Ft Myers, FL, I have always taken great pride in the mascots and logos of my alma maters. I can't understand your logic in undertaking such a move to remove the image of a "knight" from your own institution and from your student body.

   First, I wonder if you had the approval of alumni before attempting this 'woke' reform. If not, madame president, may I suggest that authoritarian measures such as this are reminiscent of the acts of many dictators who thought they knew best for their subjects?

   Second, I wonder if you clearly understand the history behind the Crusades--which were defensive in nature. The Knights Templar and the other orders of Knights took vows of poverty and chastity, of protecting the weak, the infirm, and obviously, the Christian pilgrims who were being ruthlessly raped and pillaged throughout the Eastern Roman Empire and the Holy Land at the time. Will you ask Muslims to remove the scimitar from their national flags in return for their use of such when desecrating of our Western Heritage and civilization? In your statement, you defend your actions by arguing that the "Knights of the KKK" at one time used this same symbol for their hateful organization. So what? Are we to tear down every icon of our civilization because some small group of individuals (what is the number of current KKK members today that you should fear their rare use of this mascot?) embrace a popular symbol of our culture? Why not vow never to do business with General Motors or IBM because they at one time did business with the Nazis? Let's rename Harvard because its founder was tied to the slave trade. Let's rename our national capital? Where will it all end? Better to deny Black Lives Matter flags and T-Shirts on your campus (something you personally would not have the courage to do!) because that organization is based upon Marxism, racial hatred and the destruction of western civilization and the nuclear family!!

   Through your action, you demonstrate an amazing ignorance of past history, of bias and arrogance, and of self-deprecation and self-hatred that is all too common in academia today. Purging such an uplifting and noble logo from your student body is embarrassing and will do damage to their character. Better they have a dolphin, wolf or perhaps a squirrel or rabbit to emulate, eh? 

   At the height of madness on college campuses in the late 1960s, San Francisco University President Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa stood--in quite similar fashion to your mascot--as the bulwark of common sense and decorum. 

   I only wish you had the ideals, dedication, conviction and courage of your now purged and abused mascot or that past university president!  

   Shame on you! Shame on your willful collusion in the desecration of our culture and our history.  

Jack Bovee

Fort Myers, FL

Sunday, February 7, 2021

President Biden's Inaugural Address

  "Residence in Scholar" to the Jefferson Educational Society (JES) in Erie, PA, Dr. Andrew Roth, weighed in on President Biden's inaugural speech recently. As was his norm, he demonstrated overall animus towards conservatives and used the speech that I had earlier sent him from Patrick Buchanan to support his cause. Biden, Dr. Roth argued, was speaking from the center of the American political spectrum and he accused Pat Buchanan of being 'intellectually" and "morally" confused in his analysis of the President's remarks. Finding much in Dr. Roth's own editorial that lacked credence, I concentrated on how it was he, and not Buchanan, who was 'confused.'  My letter to the president and publications editor of JES as well as to Dr. Roth follows. I was pleasantly surprised that he almost immediately wrote me back, thanking me for my opinion--despite it being so contrary to his own. In turn, I thanked him for reaching out to me.   

    I read with great interest Dr. Andrew Roth’s analysis of President Biden’s inaugural speech and enjoyed his paraphrasing the thoughts of several pundits regarding its success. His editorial reminded me of the anecdote often used before juries by renowned defense attorney Clarence Darrow. In describing how some lawyers loved to pontificate before juries because they were addicted to the sound of their own voices, Darrow described how one cross-examination of a key witness by opposing counsel went a little too far. Under relentless questioning by said counsel, the witness admitted that he had not actually seen the accused man bite off the plaintiff’s ear in a fight. “Well, then,” queried the lawyer, “If you didn’t see my client bit off the man’s ear, how can you be so darn sure that he did?” “Well,” the witness calmly replied, “I saw him spit it out.” Like the lawyer who was infatuated by the sound of his own voice, Dr. Roth’s own words prove the fallacy of his argument. 

     In his diatribe against Patrick Buchanan’s view of Biden’s speech, Dr. Roth accuses the former presidential candidate as “hearing only what he wanted to hear” and being “tone deaf as usual.” He additionally argued that Buchanan was ‘”intellectually and morally confused” when he accused Biden of rejecting “white supremacy and right wing terrorists without also condemning those on the left.” A few paragraphs later, however, readers are confronted with clear evidence that it is Dr. Roth, and not Buchanan, who is ‘confused.’  Dr. Roth “quickly noted” that since Biden’s comments “did not modify his domestic terrorism comment with the adjective right wing,” that the new president left listeners with the impression that he meant to condemn all types of terrorism. Had Dr. Roth left it there, the reader would have been convinced of his wisdom and the correctness of his rant against Buchanan. Unfortunately for Dr. Roth—whose animus against conservatives is evident in all his writings—he continued to quote from Biden’s own words thereby demonstrating beyond doubt that it was Buchanan who is correct. Later in the essay, Dr. Roth quotes President Biden as saying, “we will defeat” this “rise in political extremism, white supremacy, [and] domestic terrorism.”   

     Dr. Roth seems to have missed the fact that, if Biden meant to be speak to all acts of extremism or terrorism, he would not have seen it proper to only refer to ”white supremacy” in this instance—he would have simply omitted that term altogether in his sentence. Moreover, the qualifiers “extremism” and “domestic terrorism” clearly bracket the term “white supremacy.” Biden’s intentions were clear and Buchanan correctly laid the charge of bias at his feet. Worse for Dr. Roth, his readers are still keenly aware that it was Leftists mobs who last summer set scores of our cities deliberately aflame, caused thousands of businesses to be vandalized and destroyed, resulted in over a dozen persons being killed, and who brutally attacked and sent to hospitals hundreds of police and federal agents. Indeed, exceeding the violence on January 6th, mobs deliberately set fire to the federal courthouse in Portland with federal employees still inside! Candidate Biden was slow in condemning the ongoing violence and when he did, he chose the occasion to attack all acts of terrorism. Nor did our new President have any harsh words for the several prominent Democratic leaders—Including his own Vice President—who excused such BLM and Antifa violence and even posted bail for leftist arsonists and “domestic terrorists.” President Biden’s reluctance to specifically condemn the Left for such un-democratic behaviors—when these persisted over hundreds of days was a grievous error on his part. That he failed to do so again in his inaugural could only be missed by someone who is as “confused” as Dr. Roth.  

   Still another error on the part of Dr. Roth is his belief that president Biden spoke to and will be guided by ‘centrist’ American principles. Wisdom generally dictates we ought to judge individuals more by their character and their actions than by what they say. Dr. Roth’s perception that President Biden will rule from the center and according to the best traditions of American politics has been proven to be totally wrong in little more than one week!  He places great faith in the President’s words. I’ll remind him that we on the Right, who are slightly more skeptical of this president, see in Joe Biden’s predilection to rule by governmental fiat far less democracy and individual rights for citizens.  

Jack Bovee,  JES member
Erie, Pa

Responding to Representative Jasmine Crockett’s and Jamal Bowman’s Comments About 'Oppression'

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