Friday, January 21, 2022

Local Confederates Continue to Celebrate Lee's Birthday!

Recent actions by the City of Fort Myers to remove the last vestiges of the Robert E. Lee memorial have not deterred local members of the Major William Footman Camp, S.C.V. from continuing their annual tribute to Robert E. Lee. The City chose--in the middle of the night--to remove the plinth upon with the bust of Lee sat for decades. In the process, it also disturbed the contents of a time capsule which lay underneath the monument--the contents of which were partially donated by Footman Camp ancestors. 

Below are the remarks of the current Commander of the Camp at this year's ceremony.

Greetings Members of the Major William Footman Camp And Friends of the SCV.

Yesterday not only marked the 215th anniversary of the birth of Robert E. Lee but also exactly 56 years to the day that the Lee Monument was dedicated to the citizens of Lee county.

I would like to thank all who attended the memorial service in person and those who attended in spirit.

The city leaders of Fort Myers and the county commissioners have breached their authority--the authority that was granted to them to “do the people’s work”! I do not believe that removing a monument dedicated to the people, as a sign of unity, should in any way be considered “doing the people’s work”.

The removal of this monument is nothing short of a hate crime. A hate crime fostered by the prejudices of city council, mayor Anderson and the NAACP.

The city council and mayor were not elected to office so they could further their personal prejudices. We will not stand for this! I want to assure you that we are fighting back. We have an attorney. It is said “you can’t fight city hall,” well we’re going to try, but like all things it costs money. The Footman Camp has set up a legal defense fund. If you are interested in contributing, please contact Adjutant Shell or myself.

Our next camp meeting will be held on January 22, 2022 at our regular gathering spot. At that time I will give an update on what happened, where we stand legally, and where we go from here. If you have questions or concerns please attend the meeting.

Yours in service

SCV Commander Ross Barnett

William M. Footman Camp #1950

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Democrats Deliberately Destroy Billions on Southern Border

One reason the Democratic Party is hemorrhaging voters is its penchant for hating all things Trump, especially his attempt to secure our southern border. While our nation defends walls and borders around the world, President Biden refuses to defend our own nation’s border. Worse, he’s now allowing billions of taxpayer dollars in border wall materials to be destroyed rather than put to use. The president has refused to sell the materials at ‘cost’ to the state of Texas so that it can protect itself from invasion, but according to Southeastern Arizona Border regional Enforcement team supervisor, Sgt. Tim Williams, believes the Biden administration appears willing to sell the steel for “a penny on the dollar.” To ensure Trump’s border security system will never work, Biden is foolishly wasting billions of taxpayers dollars, the effect of which will allow tons of deadly fentanyl to enter the country. Incredibly, while the Biden administration continually has said it hopes to use technology to secure our border, it is deliberately destroying hundreds of millions of dollars of fiber cable, cameras and sensors that have already been installed by not activating them. According to Sgt. Williams, “…billions of dollars of fiber optics in the ground [have] only 24 months shelf life they can be dormant and we’re at 22 months right now—we’re talking about losing billions of dollars because they didn’t turn the system on.” The media, of course, refuse to inform the American people of this waste. For more, go “HERE.”


Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL 

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa--the National Social Studies Honor Society--and a former Elementary School Principal of the Year in Lee County, Florida. He may be reached at:

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chris Rufo -- "The Price of Dissent"

Investigative reporter Chris Rufo exposes the fallacies related to, and the dangerous risks involved, for those who dare to question the BLM movement in America today.  The author's three points of analysis reveals an intent that requires scrutiny. 

Rufo's OP ED: "click HERE

The statistician's report which led to his being fired: "click HERE"

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Who Are the Insurrectionists?

 It's pretty hard to beat this editorial by Victor Davis Hanson, posted January 2022, about the many ways Progressives are working to "fundamentally change/destroy" America. While they conduct biased Congressional hearings on what they and the media refer to as the "Insurrection of January 6th"--comparing it to Pearl Harbor or the 9/11 Terrorist Attack--Dr. Hanson lists the many ways their acts represent a far more dangerous threat to our Republic and to Constitutional liberty. This is especially true in light of Congress denying former President Trump's offer to have 20,000 soldiers stationed around the capitol on January 6th. 

Click Here or use the URL below     


Responding to Representative Jasmine Crockett’s and Jamal Bowman’s Comments About 'Oppression'

Among the many recent examples of racism directed against both our nation and white people in particular, three examples prominently stand o...