Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Media Predictions About the Next Republican Presidential Candidate

Just for fun, I would like to make some predictions about future stories run by our super impartial and unbiased mainstream media (MSM) regarding the next Republican nominee for the Presidency. Once you reach a certain age, not only do you gain a certain amount of wisdom, but you also begin to see patterns (if you have been paying attention). It is sort of like Keanu Reeve’s character ‘Neo’ at the end of The Matrix where you have taken the ‘red pill’ and can now see what is really going on.

The first thing the MSM will attempt to do is to tell us how dumb this candidate is. By the way, it will not matter the gender or race of the individual. The double standard is clear now. If you are on the Left and you happen to be black, female, gay, or whatever, then you are defended by the MSM; however, if you are any of the aforementioned minorities, but on the Right … well then you forfeit your protection and are free to be ridiculed (see my previous article The Hypocrisy of the Left – Feminism Part II).

Much of what this Republican nominee says will be taken out of context and distorted so as to make them look foolish. The plethora of ill-liberal late-night talk show hosts will glam onto this and ridicule this person mercilessly. The sad part is that despite how unfunny their monologue is, the lemmings in the audience will clap and cheer vigorously.

The next thing the MSM will do is to attempt to paint this candidate as a racist, misogynist, homophobic, bigot of some kind. They will take some innocuous statement, picture, or tweet from their past and construe it in such a way as to be unflattering to say the least. Incidentally, Ralph Northam is still the governor of Virginia despite appearing in blackface in his 1984 medical school yearbook standing next to a guy in a KKK hood and robe. By the way, when I ‘Googled’ ‘Northam Governor Blackface’ I found several apologetic and excusatory articles by left-wing publications in this order: CNN, NY Times, USAToday, Washington Post, NY Times (again), NBC News, Washington Post (again), USA Today (again), CNN (again), CNN (a third time), Politico, Newsweek, NPR, etc. Thanks for your impartiality big tech!

Anyway, this new Republican nominee will also be portrayed by the state-run-media as an anti-globalist, anti-environmentalist, and pro-military G.I. Joe-type character. I, for one, am a-okay with an American president whose primary concern is America, and is unafraid to stand by our allies and oppose our enemies – such a novel concept! As far as the environment goes, does anyone want a piss-poor environment? We literally all have to live here, so it is hard for me to believe that anyone really wants a crummy environment. In regards to the military, we need to keep our noses out of most other country’s business, but when horrible things occur such as a natural disaster or GENOCIDE – well then I feel we may be in a position to help, and we ought to do just that.

Jean-Marc Bovee, PharmD retired
St. Louis, MO

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