Friday, January 22, 2021

The Real Insurrection Continues

Now that Inauguration Day ceremonies have concluded, two things are evidently very clear from President Biden’s first day in office.  First, there will be no healing or unity for the nation. Second, the real insurrection against the U.S. government will continue. 

Among the first executive orders the president signed was a new glass ceiling for women, threatening any institution that receives federal funds if it doesn’t permit transgender men to compete in women’s sports—and hence walk away with a dominant share of scholarship money set aside for women—that the school would lose all federal funds. Forget about these men being allowed to enter women’s restrooms or shower areas—that’s already law.  Nor has Biden called the impeachment charges against Trump a cause for continued ill will against the 75 million Americans who voted for him. Nor will there much relief for the unemployment rolls as 11,000 highly paid union workers are released from the now halted Keystone Pipeline. (It’s perfectly okay, however, that China and Russia continue work on their oil pipeline that will cause increased reliance on fossil fuels as both nations are exempt by the Paris Climate Change Accord—something Biden now agrees to.)  Nor will Biden deport even criminal illegal aliens from our midst. Those convicted of rape, robbery or even murder have been given sanctuary by a government that now will arrest any citizen for not wearing a facial mask on federal property.  Nor will another inch of the wall be built. The already paid for materials amounting to millions of dollars will undoubtedly now become scrap metal. 

More importantly than the loss of American jobs, our dependence once again on Mid East oil, or protections for women is that the real insurrection against our government continues.  On inauguration day, Antifa riots and marches took place in Portland, Seattle, Sacramento, and Denver among other places. Once again, the burning of Old Glory was ‘glorified,’ numerous storefront windows were destroyed, and club wielding white-male anarchists marched under communist banners. The mob’s anti-Biden obscenities, the attack upon state Democratic Headquarters in Portland, and the final repulse of the mob by tear-gas-shooting federal agents should finally reveal to all the real intent of the month’s long, billions of dollars in damages summer riots that destroyed the lives of countless law-abiding American citizens.  These activists—along with their Black Lives Matter comrades—actively seek the destruction of our nation and its replacement by a One-World-Government espoused by Big Tech oligarchs and globalist conspirators like George Soros. 

The attempts by the New Left to continue to hide these facts are becoming more difficult to conceal.  

Friday, January 15, 2021

The New McCarthyism


During the televised Army-McCarthy Senate hearings in 1954, the nation sat riveted as anti-McCarthy attorney Joseph Welch admitted a lawyer in his firm had once been a member of a communist-front organization.  Nevertheless, he excoriated McCarthy for exposing the ‘young lad’s’ indiscretion of many years before: “We know about it, Senator…. [but] have you no sense of decency, sir?  At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”  Americans agreed with Welch that it was not proper to unfairly smear an opponent. When the Army-McCarthy hearings were over, so was McCarthy. That was then.

Today’s Democratic Party, once the target of Republican investigations under the McCarthy, now seems to have forgotten both him and his tactics. They’ve recently not only embraced the worst of McCarthyism, they’ve surpassed him. After Trump Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was denied service at a Washington restaurant, Rep. Maxine Waters encouraged all Democrats to get in the face of any Republican supporter of Trump. “If you see anyone from that {Trump} cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them.  And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.”  

Likewise, Dem. Senator Cory Booker gave an address where he encouraged his audience to be more aggressive, to “go to the Hill today…[and] please, get up in the face of some Congress people.”  Kamala Harris—who bailed out looters and arsonists during last summer’s riots—said the Black Lives Matter rioters “would not and should not” stop rioting.  She was speaking of riots that had already took too many innocent lives, injured hundreds of police officers, caused $2 trillion in damages to a score of cities, used lasers and pre-arranged piles of bricks to permanently blind and injure federal officers, and saw activists attempt to burn down a federal courthouse with personnel still inside. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) said on nationwide television “to take on Trump, you have to punch him in the face.”  Joaquin Castro (D-TX) was only one of several liberals who have doxed private citizens who were key fundraisers for President Trump for the purpose of making their lives miserable. 

Nor was the January 6th Capitol riot the first time officers were injured or killed defending federal property. Violent demonstrations in Washington this past summer saw BLM activists injure 60 Secret Service Agents who were protecting the White House. Protestors destroyed automobiles and businesses, threw bricks, bottles, rocks, fireworks and bodily fluids at the officers, and send 11 agents to local hospitals.  While protecting the Oakland Federal Courthouse, one federal agent was murdered and another wounded while BLM protests took place only blocks away. Among the numerous examples of Trump supporters being assaulted by leftists, the worst attack took place against Republican Congressmen in 2017 while practicing for their annual charity baseball game. Over 100 shots were exchanged for ten minutes, killing the gunman and wounding four others, including House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise.  

In September 2018, over 200 arrests were made during the confirmation hearing on Justice Kavanaugh. Leftist demonstrators attacked and pounded on the doors to the Supreme Court chamber and continually disrupted the Senate hearings themselves. In March 2020 Supreme Court Justice Roberts had to admonish Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for his incendiary speech to pro-abortion activists and his personal warning to Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch “…you will pay the price, you will not know what hit you.”  In August 2019, shots were fired into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in San Antonio, nearly hitting two officers and marking the fourth attack upon the agency that month. In Tacoma, an ICE Office was firebombed and the armed, leftist Antifa terrorist killed.

Nor are violent demonstrations the only way Democrats attack conservatives. Just as liberals once accused McCarthy of smearing opponents, House Speaker Pelosi has compared federal agents protecting a federal courthouse in Portland as Nazi “storm troopers.” Majority Whip James Clyburn agreed, saying the Trump administration “seem[s] to be doing everything they possibly can to impose Gestapo activities on local communities.” Just days after Republicans stripped Steve King of his committee assignments and condemned his rhetoric, Democrats promoted Ilhan Omar to the important Foreign Relations Committee—despite repeated anti-Semitic comments. Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib rallied her supporters against President Trump by saying on open microphone “we’re gonna impeach the mother____.”   

Moreover, like the blacklists of the McCarthy era, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats are now calling for compiling lists of “Trump sycophants” so they can be “held accountable” when they try to return to private life. Going beyond the tactics of McCarthy, Democratic senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Sherrod Brown have called for the expulsion of their colleagues Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz for simply objecting to the certification of some electoral votes—something Democratic Senators themselves have done three times since 2001. As McCarthy was accused of the ‘big lie’—that communists had infiltrated high positions in our government—Joe Biden has similarly likened the claims of Hawley, Cruz, Trump and others that Trump won re-election to the “big lie” tactics of Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.  He implied that their “lies” led to the Capitol Riot of January 6 giving even more voice to calls to expel any Republican legislator who dared vote against contested electoral votes.  

Far from ‘healing’ the nation following a bitter presidential campaign where questions still abound about its integrity, today’s Democratic Party continues to heap incendiary comments upon all opposition. These roughshod tactics, popular with their base and the mainstream media, will do little to dispel the anxiety of 75 million Americans who feel they are victims of the New McCarthyism. Such tactics didn’t work in the 1950s. Whether they will in 2021 remains to be seen.

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers
The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society--and a former elementary school principal.  He may be reached at 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jeanine Santucci's NEWS-PRESS Article Belongs on the Editorial Page--Not as 'News'!


Jeanine Santucci's article was so fraught with partisan comments that I'll only deal with one sentence.  "The article of impeachment charges the president with 'incitement of insurrection' for 'spreading false statements' about the election and challenging the Electoral College results." Incitement for insurrection by saying "peacefully and patriotically" exercise your 1st Amendment rights? To argue he used 'code' words to his supporters gathered there such as "be strong" is subjective and do not rise to words of open rebellion.  Next--his 'spreading of false statements'--can't be determined until there is an open investigation of what happened! Nowhere--except in MI--was there an examination of Dominion System voting machines, and that inspection revealed a ton of problems. Nowhere have the hundreds--if not thousands of sworn affidavits--been dealt with in a court of law. Courts have dismissed Trump Team suits for entirely procedural grounds, their excuse for not wanting to hold trials that might expose the dirty shenanigans of our electoral system. 
     The fact is, four states shut down their ballot-counting operations at around the same time--an unprecedented event in our history. One state, GA, did so under deliberately false pretenses. Following this and sending home all poll watchers, tens of thousands of ballots were counted in violation of state law. The nation was fortunate that the group--all partisan and tied to the Democratic Party of Atlanta and Fulton County--was unknowingly caught on camera. Nor has this violation of state law been fully investigated or answered. Moreover, there were two standards for ballot curing in Pennsylvania--a state where the Democratic Governor and Sec. of State unconstitutionally changed election law. Nor has the partisan influence of Zuckerberg's $400 million that went overwhelmingly to Democratic cities that permitted any and all 'dropped off' ballots be deposited in unmonitored drop boxes--where the promised supervision and chain of custody controls were not maintained--been addressed. Nor have the missing USBs in PA been dealt with. Nor has the intimidation of Republican poll watchers in Detroit. It's possible to go go on and on and on about possible fraud. We can't forget that it was Democratic Senators Klobuchar and Warren who warned us about the potential for fraud from Dominion Voting Systems. The fact that ALL of this is being swept under the rug today during President Trump's second impeachment is deeply troubling. 
    Finally, Santucci's comment that Trump was impeached for "challenging the Electoral College results" flies in the face of the many more Democratic objections to Electoral votes in past election years. Should those Democrats also be impeached and removed for office for exercising their rights? 
    Welcome to the new Democratic Progressive Socialist Party! They've learned their lessons well from the old KKK Democratic Party of the past!  
   Millions of us fear for the future of our country.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

History Professors Need to Go Back to Class


The original Guest Op Ed of two history professors in the Fort Myers News-Press 1-8-2021:  

The guest opinion by two professors of history who linked the “insurrection of January 6th” to the Confederacy shows some real historical errors. First, Trump never called for “insurrection” or violence. He questioned the legitimacy of the election, just as millions of American have, and he repeatedly asked for ‘lawful’ protest. Nor did Confederates seek to ‘overthrow’ the federal government by immediately marching upon Washington.  Southern state legislatures voted overwhelmingly for secession in fulfillment of the implied similar threat of the Yankee “New England Confederation” some years before. Moreover, federal forts with the exception of Sumter surrendered peacefully to Confederate demands.  Nor were the professors correct in stating, “no Confederates … were held accountable.” I’ll remind them of the execution of Henry Wirz.  Nor is it known whether President Johnson would have been more lenient than Lincoln. Both Lincoln and Grant agreed upon a policy of leniency toward the South. Perhaps they should also ask the people of Georgia who experienced Sherman’s march or the fact the entire South was placed under military rule whether there was “leniency” and no “serious repercussions” to secession. It’s to be noted Johnson’s “pardon” of Confederates came years after the war, and there were no convictions of Confederate leaders despite having ample time to have done so. Lincoln conspirator John Surratt went free after his trial, while his mother was hanged. 

Nor has it yet been proven, as the professors claim, that “the election was not stolen.” “Not guilty” won’t happen until the thousands of sworn depositions and the mountain of questions related to the election are dealt with. Their accusation that the actions of “Senators (sic) Scott and Representative Donalds”  constituted “an extralegal effort to overturn the election” flies in the face of repeated Democratic efforts to decertify state electoral votes in numerous recent elections. Their call for “serious” punishments for those who “incited” the insurrection are hollow mockeries of the far more open lawlessness and irresponsible statements made by Democratic politicians, Hollywood celebrities, Black Lives Matter activists and the like who openly condoned violence which resulted in $2 trillion to the nation. 

Their Stalinistic calls for censorship and possible show trials against Trump and his legislative supporters are reminiscent of China’s Cultural Revolution.  The calls and actions of the New Left—to which I assume these professors subscribe—are more in tune with those of Senator McCarthy than Lincoln. Hundreds of American citizens have been physically assaulted or have lost jobs for simply asking questions about the last election or merely holding that “all” lives matter. The venomous and erroneous historical comparisons of these two professors seem to support these sorts of un-American activities will do nothing except further the divide between Americans.  

Responding to Representative Jasmine Crockett’s and Jamal Bowman’s Comments About 'Oppression'

Among the many recent examples of racism directed against both our nation and white people in particular, three examples prominently stand o...