The original Guest Op Ed of two history professors in the Fort Myers News-Press 1-8-2021:
The guest opinion by two professors of history who linked the “insurrection of January 6th” to the Confederacy shows some real historical errors. First, Trump never called for “insurrection” or violence. He questioned the legitimacy of the election, just as millions of American have, and he repeatedly asked for ‘lawful’ protest. Nor did Confederates seek to ‘overthrow’ the federal government by immediately marching upon Washington. Southern state legislatures voted overwhelmingly for secession in fulfillment of the implied similar threat of the Yankee “New England Confederation” some years before. Moreover, federal forts with the exception of Sumter surrendered peacefully to Confederate demands. Nor were the professors correct in stating, “no Confederates … were held accountable.” I’ll remind them of the execution of Henry Wirz. Nor is it known whether President Johnson would have been more lenient than Lincoln. Both Lincoln and Grant agreed upon a policy of leniency toward the South. Perhaps they should also ask the people of Georgia who experienced Sherman’s march or the fact the entire South was placed under military rule whether there was “leniency” and no “serious repercussions” to secession. It’s to be noted Johnson’s “pardon” of Confederates came years after the war, and there were no convictions of Confederate leaders despite having ample time to have done so. Lincoln conspirator John Surratt went free after his trial, while his mother was hanged.
Nor has it yet been proven, as the professors claim, that “the election was not stolen.” “Not guilty” won’t happen until the thousands of sworn depositions and the mountain of questions related to the election are dealt with. Their accusation that the actions of “Senators (sic) Scott and Representative Donalds” constituted “an extralegal effort to overturn the election” flies in the face of repeated Democratic efforts to decertify state electoral votes in numerous recent elections. Their call for “serious” punishments for those who “incited” the insurrection are hollow mockeries of the far more open lawlessness and irresponsible statements made by Democratic politicians, Hollywood celebrities, Black Lives Matter activists and the like who openly condoned violence which resulted in $2 trillion to the nation.
Their Stalinistic calls for censorship and possible show trials against Trump and his legislative supporters are reminiscent of China’s Cultural Revolution. The calls and actions of the New Left—to which I assume these professors subscribe—are more in tune with those of Senator McCarthy than Lincoln. Hundreds of American citizens have been physically assaulted or have lost jobs for simply asking questions about the last election or merely holding that “all” lives matter. The venomous and erroneous historical comparisons of these two professors seem to support these sorts of un-American activities will do nothing except further the divide between Americans.
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