Thursday, January 14, 2021

Jeanine Santucci's NEWS-PRESS Article Belongs on the Editorial Page--Not as 'News'!


Jeanine Santucci's article was so fraught with partisan comments that I'll only deal with one sentence.  "The article of impeachment charges the president with 'incitement of insurrection' for 'spreading false statements' about the election and challenging the Electoral College results." Incitement for insurrection by saying "peacefully and patriotically" exercise your 1st Amendment rights? To argue he used 'code' words to his supporters gathered there such as "be strong" is subjective and do not rise to words of open rebellion.  Next--his 'spreading of false statements'--can't be determined until there is an open investigation of what happened! Nowhere--except in MI--was there an examination of Dominion System voting machines, and that inspection revealed a ton of problems. Nowhere have the hundreds--if not thousands of sworn affidavits--been dealt with in a court of law. Courts have dismissed Trump Team suits for entirely procedural grounds, their excuse for not wanting to hold trials that might expose the dirty shenanigans of our electoral system. 
     The fact is, four states shut down their ballot-counting operations at around the same time--an unprecedented event in our history. One state, GA, did so under deliberately false pretenses. Following this and sending home all poll watchers, tens of thousands of ballots were counted in violation of state law. The nation was fortunate that the group--all partisan and tied to the Democratic Party of Atlanta and Fulton County--was unknowingly caught on camera. Nor has this violation of state law been fully investigated or answered. Moreover, there were two standards for ballot curing in Pennsylvania--a state where the Democratic Governor and Sec. of State unconstitutionally changed election law. Nor has the partisan influence of Zuckerberg's $400 million that went overwhelmingly to Democratic cities that permitted any and all 'dropped off' ballots be deposited in unmonitored drop boxes--where the promised supervision and chain of custody controls were not maintained--been addressed. Nor have the missing USBs in PA been dealt with. Nor has the intimidation of Republican poll watchers in Detroit. It's possible to go go on and on and on about possible fraud. We can't forget that it was Democratic Senators Klobuchar and Warren who warned us about the potential for fraud from Dominion Voting Systems. The fact that ALL of this is being swept under the rug today during President Trump's second impeachment is deeply troubling. 
    Finally, Santucci's comment that Trump was impeached for "challenging the Electoral College results" flies in the face of the many more Democratic objections to Electoral votes in past election years. Should those Democrats also be impeached and removed for office for exercising their rights? 
    Welcome to the new Democratic Progressive Socialist Party! They've learned their lessons well from the old KKK Democratic Party of the past!  
   Millions of us fear for the future of our country.

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