Friday, March 12, 2021

Pick the Issue, Democrats Prove Themselves to be Traitors: Fraud & Malfeasance

Today’s Democratic Party bears no resemblance to the party of JFK, LBJ or even Bill Clinton. This is unmistakable.  Regardless of issue—whether it’s immigration, health-care, First or Second Amendment Rights, civil rights, government spending, education, electoral integrity, foreign affairs, fiscal responsibility, national defense, trade or anything else—today’s Leftist Democratic Party can be depended upon to take positions contrary to the best interests of the American people.  This week’s case in point: the so-called ‘Covid Relief Bill.’  

The passage of the unparalleled $1.9 trillion dollar measure, signed into law this week with not one Republican vote, is only the most recent indication of how Leftists are seeking to destroy the nation. Moreover, the mainstream media—now solidly in league with the Left—applauds the fact that over 90% of the funds have nothing to do with Covid relief. The vast majority of funds are literally bribe payments to far-Left constituencies. Republican arguments that there is right now $1 trillion still left to fund Covid relief fell upon deaf ears. Average Americans agree that with the impact of such funding still to be made, why spend another $2 trillion?  The reason, of course, is that it is necessary to take money from the Red States with fiscally sound economies to pay for Blue State incompetence and malfeasance! For example, for decades Democrats have voted to give public employees salaries and pensions that were knowingly unsustainable. Rather than tax their own citizens, however, to pay for these costs, they’ve turned to Washington. As a result, hundreds of billions of dollars from American taxpayers will now be sent to fund the bloated pensions of overpaid governmental employees in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Thus, Red State southerners who have played by the rules and have balanced their budgets and who have lower than national average salaries will now be forced to bail out northern states with higher salaries and pensions. “Never let a crisis go to waste” is the Democratic mantra. Lest we forget, civil wars have been fought over such regional exploitation and oppression. 

Despite the fact that some southerners are once again making the argument of “Northern aggression,” it’s an even easier argument to accuse today’s Democratic party of deliberately planning for our nation’s collapse. A good example is their plan to tax citizens so that “stimulus money” may be given to non-citizens who are here illegally. This is, of course, a deliberate affront to law-abiding American citizens and will only serve to increase the flow of illegals into the country—one of the key goals of the Democrat Party. Similarly, Democrats are using the so-called Covid-Relief Bill to punish conservative regions of the nation so that they may continue to reward (read ‘bribe’) their Leftist, “Tammy-Hall-like” minions. Americans in conservative states will now be taxed to cover for the blatant incompetence of Democratic-one-party states like California and Washington that have lost hundreds of billions of dollars in unemployment fraud.  In December 2020—just one month—21,000 prisoners, including 100 on death row, helped CA lose a staggering $400 million in welfare fraud. It’s gotten so bad that CA is now funding criminal gangs in Russia and Nigeria—both of whom have reaped hundreds of millions from the lunacy of liberal state welfare policies.  

    CA isn’t alone. The Leftist bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is no different. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has estimated that in 2020 alone, improper payments amounted to 23.5% of those receiving Earned Income Tax Credits ($14.2 billion) and 21.3 % of Medicaid expenditures ($95.3 billion). The list of federally wasted funds due to fraud and mismanagement contributed to over $129 Billion in losses for just the year 2020 alone! Heaven only knows how much of the $1.9 trillion will be going to criminals here or in China, Nigeria, or Russia. 

    With such a track record as this, it’s no wonder why Americans are increasingly distrustful of big government. The history of the Democratic Party has always found success relying upon the ignorance of illiterate voters—whether it was the Klan in the South or Tammany-Hall-like political machines in the urban cities of the North.  The only difference between the graft and incompetence of the old days and that of today is the role of the media. Back in the early 1900s, a “Progressive” reform-minded media exposed such graft and incompetence to the American electorate. Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, and Ray Stannard Baker—among others—led the charge of journalists to clean up the corruption and educate Americans to that need. Today’s mainstream media and our Schools of Journalism, however, seem only to want to provide continued cover for it and their Democratic Tammany-Hall-like leaders.

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society, and a former elementary school principal.  He may be reached at   

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