The definition of feminism is, “The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” All 57 of them? I was told by Progressives that there are AT LEAST 57 sexes now. Are all of the sexes 57 parts equal? I also recall being told by Progressives that there may be an infinite number of sexes, so how does that work? Anyway, is it just me or has the evolution of feminism led to the current behavior of women to emulate the worst behavior of men traditionally? In other words, I see example after example of women imitating all of the worst behavior of men in some half-assed attempt to be ‘equal.’
It seems that boys have become less masculine as time has gone on. Toxic masculinity, ‘mansplaining,’ ‘manspreading,’ and Gillette commercials has lead to the wussification of men while at the same time women have become more vulgar, short tempered, and physically aggressive. How and why is this odd reversal happening? All one has to do is look at the litany of videos going viral of women (of all ages) wrestling and fist fighting in public over various idiotic reasons. Here is a very recent example of precisely what I mean
I recently tried warning one young lady (who will be 26 soon) to try and refrain from flicking people off in traffic because you never know what unhinged nutters are out there. I also told her in addition to posting provocative pics on Instagram that she should also post one of her doctorate degree (if she really wants to impress people). Well, the response was unwelcoming to say the least. My heart goes out to her fiancé’ who will assuredly one day have the unenviable task of defending her honor after she gives the bird to ‘steroid lad’ who will angrily exit his car swinging a pair of nun chucks to settle the score.
I recall a YouTube video that went viral several years ago showing a woman walking down a street in New York City being so-called ‘cat-called,’ which stirred up a lot of controversy. Rush Limbaugh had actually spoken about it pointing out the benign nature of the video and questioning why there was such an uproar. Here is the link to that video and my point is … why are so many young women outraged by this? There is no vulgarity being used by the men, there are no sexually suggestive comments being made, there is nothing untoward being uttered, and certainly nothing physical going on … so again I ask, what’s the outrage all about?
It kind of reminds me of Michelle Obama’s recollection regarding a ‘racist’ incident she recently experienced where a woman cut in front of her in line and acted like she wasn’t even there. Well, welcome to the human collective; that happens to us all! Here too, if this video ‘triggers’ you, then I suggest that you have never experienced real sexual harassment. The bottom line is you ladies really need to grow some thicker skin, man up, and quit your whining.
Bernard Goldberg once wrote that there was a time when a drunk in a bar would not have dropped the F-bomb. Now, on a regular basis, I hear women in their late teens and early twenties cussing like George Carlin on methamphetamines. What had happened to young women in this country? When did they become so vulgar and violent?
We currently live in the greatest country the world has ever known, and at an amazing time in history. Yet I see so much misery on the faces of young people (not just women). For the record, there is no ‘rape culture’ on college campuses. Think about it, if there were, then why would any caring parent send their daughter off to college? It’s all B.S.
My question to all of you Millennials, Generation Zers, Xers, and Yers – where in the world would you rather be female, black, gay, or trans? Would you be happier in Asia? Africa? The Middle East? No, if I had to bet I would say that you would all prefer to be a part of Western Civilization, so unlike Megan Markle, and her dumb husband Harry the Beta Male of Sussex, I would advise you to pause for a moment and express some gratitude. I would also suggest the same thing that Dave Chappelle advised in his stand up “Sticks and Stones’’ to the ‘MeToo’ movement - please don’t make me say it.
Lastly, regarding feminism in general and the hypocritical nature of those on the Left. Since I am over the age of three, I remember quite vividly the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh vis-à-vis Christine Blasey Ford’s less than credible testimony that he tried to rape her. Not only did she not have any facts to back up her story, not only did she not have any witnesses to corroborate her story, not only did her best friend Leland Keyser not believe her, not only could she not recollect the actual year that this allegedly happened, but the Left insisted that we #believeallwomen, which is stupid in and of itself. Then something very mysterious happened, Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault and suddenly the #believeallwomen mantra ceased dead in its tracks. This is, of course, except for Kamala Harris who said at the time this accusation (and others) surfaced, “Oh, I believe them.”
In fact, I am even old enough to remember when Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and Leslie Millwee accused Bill Clinton of rape and various sexual assaults to which Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party besmirched those women and used some half-assed excuse like a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ was to blame. Again, this may be projection. Remember, the Left always accuses the right of what they themselves are guilty of. Don’t believe me? I have six names for you: Lindsey Boylan, Charlotte Bennett, Anna Ruch, Ana Liss, Karen Hinton, Jessica Bakeman, and there is a seventh speaking out today as I write this all accusing Andrew Cuomo of various inappropriate sexual advances. They are just coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden! Well, it could be worse I suppose; at least none of them were abandoned to be drowned like Ted Kennedy did to Mary Jo Kopechne. Hey, I have a new hashtag idea – how about #keepwomenawayfromdemocrats or #believeallwomeneveniftheyaccuseademocrat?
Jean-Marc Bovee
Jean-Marc Bovee is the author of ‘A Prescription for Retail Pharmacy’ and ‘The World of the Dead’--both available in audio versions as well. He most recently released a book on his Prince fandom titled ‘I Loved Him With A Passion Uncontested.’ Also available on iTunes is his tribute to the founding fathers titled ‘Jean-Marc Bovee’s Forefathers - Single.’ Dr. Bovee received his Pharm.D. from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 2003, but is now retired.
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