Friday, March 5, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left -- Immigration

We currently have the highest number of children crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in over two decades according to Russell Hott, a senior official of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The reason for this is the Biden administration’s plans to convert immigration facilities on the border into hubs that will release immigrants into the U.S. ‘within 72 hours.’ As a result, they are struggling to handle the influx of illegal immigrant families and children.

You know what happens when you advertise your lackadaisical border policy essentially promising release into the country? That’s right, you encourage a massive surge on the border. The Biden administration is essentially creating the border crisis by promising amnesty. Unlike what Jen Psaki says, it is a crisis and not a ‘challenge.’ By the way, I like how she besmirches the prior administration, and then contradicts herself in the same breath by admitting that the Biden administration is doing the exact same thing (i.e., turning away those under the age of 18).

Just a friendly reminder, the Obama administration built the ‘kid cages’ and now the Biden administration continues to do so--but in container cars instead. However, if you are beholden to the Mainstream Media, then you would not know that. For the uninitiated, Trump did bring this up in his first debate with Biden. Sadly, the fake news media failed to follow up on it, and Biden was never able to answer Trump’s challenge. 

In any case, the U.S. border officials continue to take in over 500 family members per day, and thus the family detention centers “may not be sufficient to keep pace with apprehensions.” Oh, you think?! Amazingly, it is admitted that, “the Biden administration has taken a drastically different approach to immigration than either of the two prior administrations…emphasizing processing and releasing illegal immigrants rather than detaining or barring them from entry.” Even some fellow Democrats have spoken out about this such as Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) who admit that Biden’s policies are attracting a ‘flood of immigrants to the United States because of the lax border policies.’ 

My question for you is, of the earth’s seven billion inhabitants, how many do you think should be allowed within our borders? Clearly, we cannot take EVERYBODY. So, where should the line be drawn? Should we give precedent to those following the rules and trying to enter legally, or should we encourage those ‘cutting in line’ and skipping ahead of those who follow the law? Should we admit those suffering from Covid 19 or other devastating diseases so we can help their suffering (at taxpayer expense), or should we return those who would spread such highly contagious diseases as was done with my Italian ancestors one hundred years ago? Should we admit those who are unskilled and illiterate and will strain our already thin social service networks or admit those who are best able to contribute to our economy and society? Should we accept everyone or turn back those with criminal records? Should we decriminalize crossing our border without a visa like most liberals lobby for today or should we continue to at least say they've committed a crime by entering our nation illegally? Should we continue to permit pregnant women to illegally enter our nation in order to give birth to 'anchor children' or should we say they've illegally abused our immigration policy and therefore deny birth citizenship to such offspring? Should we continue to ignore the criminal behavior of millions of persons who knowingly overstay their visas or should we deport them when at the same time we permit millions of others who illegally cross our southern border to stay? There are dozens more such questions that no one on the Left wishes to answer nor do they have any answers for. 

Keep in mind, while Democrats refuse to answer these questions and our globalist elites continue to kick the can down the street, we have a worldwide pandemic and the safety of American citizens to consider.  

We knew where Trump and 50% or more of the population stood on these questions. How soon before we get some answers from Biden and his hypocrites?

Jean-Marc Bovee
Jean-Marc Bovee is the author of ‘A Prescription for Retail Pharmacy’ and ‘The World of the Dead’--both available in audio versions as well. He most recently released a book on his Prince fandom titled ‘I Loved Him With A Passion Uncontested.’ Also available on iTunes is his tribute to the founding fathers titled ‘Jean-Marc Bovee’s Forefathers - Single.’ Dr. Bovee received his Pharm.D. from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 2003, but is now retired. 

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