By now you have probably heard the cry for ‘unity’ by Joe Biden, which he called for on 2/22/2021. It is kind of like Jemele Hill or Ayanna Pressley calling for a color-blind society. In other words, you cannot incessantly spew out racist rhetoric from your pie hole and then expect everyone to ignore race, and you cannot ooze vitriol at your political opponents for four straight years and then suddenly call for ‘unity’ just because you are in power now. Following are just a handful of examples of the vile things uttered by Democrats and liberals over the last few years. As you read them, ask yourself if you should or could ‘unify’ with these people.
Back in November 2020 singer Janelle Monae tweeted, “F--k Donald Trump and every American citizen, celebrity, white woman, black man, etc. who supported him...burnnnnnnnnnn.” This delightful woman also called on Nancy Pelosi on 7/17/2019 to impeach the “racist in chief,” and then said that “racists, sexists, white nationalists, etc.,” make up the Republican Party. (Incidentally, please feel free to leave comments below quoting anything racist Trump or any Republican has ever said.) I ask you, how can we ‘unify’ with someone who disparages nearly 70 million of her fellow countrymen in such a heinous way?
Also, last November Pulitzer Prize-winning (as if that means anything anymore) columnist Jerry Saltz tweeted on 11/22/2020, “Republicanism is no longer a political problem; Republicanism is a social problem. It must be treated in the same way coronavirus is treated: it has to be isolated and snuffed-out by repressing it in about 70% of the general population.” Like the character Britta Perry on the show Community, the tired default argument by Leftists is to reflexively refer to those on the right as Nazis; however, when you listen to what they say you find that their remarks sound eerily similar to Nazi rhetoric. Honestly, Mr. Saltz’s tweet sounds exactly like something Hitler himself would have said about Jewish people 80 years ago, does it not? After all, who is doing all of the tearing down of statues and monuments, and who is doing all the book burning? (“Calling Dr. Seuss!”) In point of fact, Ivanka Trump was called a Nazi by Leftists for simply getting a white dog – remember that? Now, do you think you can ‘unify’ with Mr. Saltz and his ilk? Would you even want to try?
Joe Biden himself has participated in this lunacy. During a press conference in January of this year, he compared U.S. Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Did you ever imagine comments like these coming out of the mouth of a sitting United States president? I 've never been so embarrassed as an American citizen regarding a presidential administration. Well, please allow me to qualify that statement – at least not since Bill Clinton committed perjury regarding fellatio in the Oval Office.
I could write one hundred more articles just like this one without ever repeating myself. That is how replete the Left is with examples of inflammatory, irresponsible, and blatantly hateful speech. The absolutely most astonishing thing about all of this is that these cretins actually believe that they are the good guys; that they have the higher moral ground!
All one has to do is to change the subjects in their remarks. For instance, replace ‘white’ with ‘black’ or ‘men’ to ‘women’ or ‘straight’ with ‘gay,' and you will swear you’re reading straight out of Mein Kampf. In fact, I have a challenge for you the reader. Leave a comment below with hateful examples from the Right, and for each example you provide I will match it with five from the Left.
I leave you with one more thought to ponder. Imagine receiving this letter in your mailbox, “Dear neighbor, you have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target for when we attack should Trump not concede the election. We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make sure that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage. You have been given “Fair Warning.” Always remember that it was “you” that started this Civil War. Be prepared to face the severe consequences of your pre-emptive actions against democracy.”
Now, replace ‘Trump’ with ‘Biden.’ Are you beginning to see my point?
Jean-Marc Bovee
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