Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left – Reverse Racism: Part One

Gina Carano was fired from Disney when she posted a tweet warning about the dangers of demonizing your political opponents (never mind that Pedro Pascal tweeted something much more offensive yet still has his job). She posted a picture from Nazi Germany stating, “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children.” Her point was valid. Any vilification of a complete group of people inevitably leads to hatred of those people by others. Sometimes it is warranted such as when we malign the Black Panthers, the KKK, or Nazis. However, it can also result in horrible atrocities against innocent people such as what happened during the Holocaust.

Our current American culture has grown far too comfortable with using these sort of dehumanizing tactics and rhetoric. When Ilhan Omar was asked by a Fox News reporter on 3/11/2019 whether she thought, “Obama is the same as President Trump,” she said, “Absolutely not. That is silly to even equate the two. One is human and one is really not.” That is an incredibly inflammatory, irresponsible, deplorable, and a dangerous thing to say. Prior to that Barack Obama referred to right-wing Americans as “bitter clingers,” and Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” 

In August of 2016, “The 8 White Identities” was posted by The Political Hat, and became one of the axioms of the Left. In 2018, Robin DiAngelo wrote the book White Fragility where she charged that all white people are, collectively, racist white supremacists (by the way, she looks exactly the way you would imagine). Ibram X. Kendi wrote How to Be an Antiracist, which is in and of itself a very racist book.

Back in July 2020, rapper Nick Cannon stated on a podcast, “White people are closer to animals.” In February 2021, Coca-Cola launched a new can design featuring the phrase “Try to be less white.” Also in February 2021, the principal of East Side Community School in the East Village in New York City sent out a graphic of the “8 White Identities” to parents encouraging them to become “white traitors” and “white abolitionists.” On 3/17/2021 writer and editor Damon Young wrote an article titled “Whiteness is a pandemic” where he states, “White supremacy is a virus, [and] like other viruses, [it] will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it.” Let’s not forget the Pulitzer-winning now-debunked piece of garbage titled The 1619 Project by hack Nikole Hannah-Jones published by the radical Left-wing New York Times in August 2019. In it, she tried to imply that America’s true founding was one not based on the yearning to be free, but rather perpetuating African enslavement.

In February 2020, over 200 North Carolina public school teachers attended a conference in Wake County (should be changed to Woke County) only to be indoctrinated at taxpayer’s expense vis-à-vis a campaign entitled, “whiteness in educational spaces.” Journalist A.P. Dillon obtained documents showing that teachers were being instructed that white “cultural values” include “denial, fear, blame, control, punishment, and one-dimensional thinking,” and that, “whiteness perpetuates the (American) system of injustice.”

Our culture has now devolved to a point where there is a blatant anti-Caucasian poison infecting it. ‘Critical Race Theory’ – an abhorrent and racist philosophy - is being promulgated throughout our schools and universities, which according to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis teaches, “…kids to hate their country and to hate each other…” vis-à-vis inculcating their mush-filled minds with nefarious and dubious concepts of “white privilege” and other racist terms and ideology. 

On 3/16/2021 Robert Aaron Long killed eight people at three different spa locations – six of them were Asian. He claimed to have a sex addiction, wanted to eliminate this temptation due to his shame, and states that he was not motivated by race. Nonetheless, thanks to our agenda-driven media, many people believe his motivation was racial in nature; however, to date, there is no evidence of this. Shortly after on 3/22/2021, a man killed 10 people at a supermarket in Boulder Colorado. Here is what some people were saying:

Activist and feminist author Amy Siskind tweeted on 3/22/2021 - “The shooter is (sp) was taken into custody. In other words it was almost certainly a white man (again). If he were Black or Brown he would be dead,” (by the way, this is the latest mindless catchphrase devised by progressives and regurgitated ad nauseam by their indoctrinated drones). The next day she found out it was not a white man, deleted her original tweet, and then tweeted on 3/23/2021, “Let’s mourn the victims, but not glorify the killer with the attention of having his name widely known.” One could surmise that her call to hide his Muslim-Arabic name was an insidious and lame attempt to avert calling attention to the fact the murderer was NOT a Southern white MAGA hat-wearing racist, but rather a ‘person of color.’ 

Kamala Harris’ niece Meena Harris on 3/22/2021 tweeted - “The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.” Then she discovered it was not a Caucasian man, deleted her original tweet, then tweeted, “I deleted a previous tweet about the suspect in the Boulder shooting. I made an assumption based on his being taken into custody alive and the fact that the majority of mass shootings in the U.S. are carried out by white men.” By the way, that last sentence is false. Mass shootings—those where more than four persons are murdered—are not predominantly committed by white males, but rather by black males. Incidentally, blacks are also seven times more likely to physically assault an Asian person than whites are, just FYI.

‘Journalist’ Uzair Hasan Rizvi - who describes himself as “debunking misinformation /fake news” - tweeted on 3/22/2021: “A poor white guy, who may have had a bad day or just a sex addict, killed at least 10 people in #Boulder. He was only apprehended and not choked or shot to death because he was not brown, black, or a Muslim.” 

Race and Inclusion editor at USA Today Sports Media Group, Hemal Jhaveri, who states that she hates “brunch” tweeted on 3/22/2021 - “it’s always an angry white man. Always.” Baby Bear CEO Jamie Grayson on 3/22/2021 tweeted - “Cis white men need to stop this mess.” ‘Internationally renowned journalist’ CJ Werleman tweeted on 3/22/2021 - “The suspected gunman in the Boulder, Colorado mass shooting is a white guy. Cue “mental issues,” “bad day,” “parking dispute,” or anything else other than what he most likely is – a white domestic terrorist.”

Denver school board member Tay Anderson (who is under investigation of a sexual assault allegation) tweeted on 3/22/2021 – “Aurora, CO – 12 dead, white male shooter escorted out alive. Charleston, SC – 9 dead, white male shooter escorted out alive. Atlanta, GA – 8 dead, white male shooter escorted out alive. Boulder, CO – 10 dead, white male shooter escorted out alive. See a trend?”

Pakistani-born American author Qasim Rashid tweeted on 3/22/2021 - “The white male mass shooter was arrested alive. #WhereWasHeRadicalized?” Then on 3/23/2021 he tweeted, “Colorado terrorist is a grown white man who killed 10 people including a cop. Cops arrested him alive & helped him to a stretcher for immediate care.” Actor and writer David Hoffman tweeted on 3/22/2021 - “I’ll bet anyone my salary right now that the shooter in Boulder is a right wing, MAGA, white male.” (As of this writing, we do not know precisely to whom Mr. Hoffman has donated his salary).

The following day (3/23/2021) the shooter’s identity became known. Twenty-one-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa is a Muslim immigrant from Syria (a country Biden recently bombed, just FYI). He shot and killed 10 (Caucasian) people including one police officer in King Soppers grocery store in Boulder, CO. According to journalist Andy Ngo, his “social media posts show an intense hatred of Trump & his administration’s immigration policies.” Suddenly, Twitter was inundated with a lot of deleted posts.

Author Dinesh D’Souza recently tweeted, “If six out of eight Asian American victims in Atlanta automatically made that murder spree a hate crime, what can we conclude not that we know all 10 of the Boulder shooter’s victims were white?” Then he added, “I eagerly await the Ilhan Omar pirouette. If a white guy does it, white supremacy is the presumed motive. If a Muslim does it, even while declaring a religious motivation, that motivation must be disregarded and Islamophobia is the danger to be carefully avoided.”

News Correspondent Jack Posobiec tweeted, “Early information from a national security agency suggests Boulder shooter planned to target the Trump rally in Colorado Springs, Feb 2020 but decided to wait until the next one on March 13 in Denver but it was canceled due to COVID, per WH official. CO GOP HQ was also scoped out, same with a few Christian, Catholic, & Mormon churches / LDS temples, not certain yet why he settled for market, per official.”

On 3/23/2021 political commentator, Vince Dao made the astute observation, “Notice how fast the narrative changed when liberals discovered that the shooter wasn’t a white guy…” Actor and screenwriter Eric Matheny posted,  “When you’re more saddened that a mass shooter wasn’t a 35-year-old white male in a MAGA hat than you are by the fact that 10 innocent people lost their lives in a grocery store, you are the cultural disease of which mass shootings are a symptom.” Author and opinion columnist David Harsanyi noted, “If the shooter is a white supremacist, the event is an indictment of all white people and America. If the shooter is an Islamist, it is a completely individual act that has nothing to do with ideology.”

Reactionary anti-white race-based discrimination has no place in the United States. To do the same sort of generalizing about any other group of people should be condemned and rightly so. Rather than regurgitating slogans like #blacklivesmatter, #stopasianhate, or #stophispanichate why don’t we all just post #stopallhate? Unfortunately, this seems unlikely since it is abundantly clear that the powers that be in the media, the education system, and in the political establishment want to fan the flames of division so that we the people continue to bicker amongst ourselves while they run off with all of the power and money. 

There exists, just for one example, a mandatory resident assistant training program at Western Carolina University. It asserts that “to put it simply, reverse racism is a myth. There is little to no empirical evidence to support systemic discrimination against white people.” I believe this article proves otherwise.

If we do not wise up and unanimously and unequivocally reject this attempt to indoctrinate us into loathing one another, then I fear the worst will occur. Abraham Lincoln warned, “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reaches us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide." For decades now, conservatives have been warning of this seemingly inevitable circumstance given the trajectory of our culture and political climate. They have been met with skepticism and accused of being conspiracy theorists. I fear that if more Americans do not come to the realization that those on the Right have been prescient regarding this sinister trend, then Lincoln’s chilling prediction may soon come to pass.

Jean-Marc Bovee, PharmD retired

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Ibram X. Kendi: How to Be an "Acceptable" Racist

Chapter One -- Definitions

Critical Race Theorist Ibram X. Kendi is a leading luminary in today’s culture. His book, “How to Be an Antiracist” is required reading at many public high schools and at most colleges and universities around the nation. Thousands of diversity consultants use his philosophy for an increasing number of ‘anti-white’ seminars in schools, businesses, government agencies—even the U.S. military. Corporations have bestowed hundreds of millions of dollars upon his work in the hope of eradicating racism in our society. He has received hearty endorsements from the Biden-Harris administration and the Democratic Party which helps ensure that his voice on race relations will remain the dominant one in our culture for quite some time. Despite acclaim, however, critics contend that his work is more accurately described as “How to Be an Acceptable Racist.” They see his ever-increasing popularity as un-American and divisive.  They charge his historical examples are fraught with error and his intentions are deliberately designed to destroy America’s founding principles. In today’s cancel culture, however, his few critics face the threat of censorship and livelihood. To simply question the basic tenets of his work almost always means such persons are accused of being extreme racists. Unfortunately, far from uniting the nation in the goal of achieving equal opportunity for all, Ibram Kendi’s work is used today to persecute some for the preferential advantage of a few.  It is as un-American as Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto. 

The foundational thinking of Dr. Kendi is apparent in the first, short chapter of “How to Be An Antiracist.” It is in this section where he identifies key terms and offers his view of past events in America’s history. It is important to clearly understand his ideological background in order to make sense of his convoluted conclusion that racism is endemic to all-white institutions. Kendi admits that he was a mediocre student in high school and that he “didn’t read much of anything in those years.”[1]  He grew up under the tutelage of parents who subscribed to Black Liberation Theology and who saw America’s core as racist and whose ideas could’ve gotten them “lynched by men in badges today.”[2]  

In his short biographical introduction, Kendi levels many inaccurate charges against the Trump administration which are attributed to Leftist sources that often relied upon anonymous sources. He furthermore glosses over historical facts that would destroy the basis for his work. An example of the former is his claim that President Trump supported white supremacists in Charlottesville and called them ‘very fine people’ when he was on the record condemning such racists. An example of the latter is his fondly recalling the fact his mother taught in Monrovia, Liberia, for nine months before marriage.  He conveniently glossed over the fact the descendants of American slaves who were freed and expatriated there in the early 1800s openly discriminated against their fellow Africans which later led to murderous clashes between the two groups in the 1980s. The resulting chaos there resembled the genocide of the Hutus by the Tutsi’s which took place in Africa around the same time. Such discrimination and horrible excesses among Africans against members of their own race, of course, would do little to help support Kendi’s contention that only whites are guilty of "supremacist thinking."

Kendi then proceeds to describe the evolution of his own political thinking. He states that at one time he subscribed to the belief that Blacks could not be racist by admitting, “I no longer believe a Black person cannot be racist.” As will be seen later, he will use this charge to dismiss conservative Black critics such as Candice Owens, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, or Shelby Steele for being as racist as Bull Connor. Surprisingly, after accusing Donald Trump of influencing and stoking white racism through his words and deeds, Kendi writes “…none of us are race representatives, nor is any individual responsible for someone else’s racist ideas.”[3]  This is an amazing admission for one whose work is now seen as representative of the thinking of many liberals today and who refuses to accept any responsibility for promoting today’s toxic racial climate. While most Americans today would agree with our nation’s Founders that individuals should not be held accountable for the crimes of their ancestors, few would agree that someone such as Hitler should not have been held responsible for indoctrinating his Nazis followers to commit genocide. Under Kendi, however, the exact opposite is true. White Americans all benefit from racist ‘privilege’ which justifies all current attempts to discriminate openly against them and he apparently absolves himself of any responsibility for indoctrinating his followers in such false beliefs.  “If discrimination is creating equity, then it is anti-racist,” Kendi argues.[4]  This false premise, of course, has already led and will continue to lead to all sorts of injury to innocent Americans by virtue of their simply having been born white. 

Kendi now proceeds to define some key terms—the first being racial inequality. “Racial inequality is when two or more racial groups are not standing on approximately equal footing. Here's an example of racial inequality: 71% of white families lived in owner-occupied homes in 2014, compared to 45% of Latino families and 41% of black families.” . . . . “a racist policy is any measure that produces or sustains racial inequity between racial groups.”[5]  At first glance, the reader is struck with how illogical Kendi’s assertion is. Citing a simple difference between racial groups with no other pertinent data related to the topic allows him to conclude the obvious reason for the discrepancy is racism. One of the most noxious charges against a basic feature of our economic system and an entire race of people rests upon nothing more than a statistic. For Kendi and his advocates, nothing else is germane to the statistic—regardless of impact. In a society where individual choice and freedom have always been an ideal, the idea that the behavior of individuals within a group might influence aggregate results for such a group has no bearing.  

This clear oversight will constitute the lion’s share of the reason for the discrepancy. Had Kendi recalled the works of noted Black economist Thomas Sowell, himself once a radical extremist, he’d know that citing mere statistical differences in aggregate data is terribly misleading.[6]  An economist must control for variables in order to make sense of data. What are the educational backgrounds of the two groups? What percentage of adults within each group are married?  What percent consists of single mothers? What percent within each group has been continuously employed by the same employer for the last five years? These and other variables have a tremendous impact on the ability of an individual to own a home. Thomas Sowell would argue that even the variables themselves need to be examined! In taking into account the number of years of schooling, for example, he would not only examine the total time people have spent in school, but the types of educational degrees attained and the quality of the institution bestowing that degree. When all of the above factors are taken into consideration and we compare like-groups to one another, only then can we state there is a difference between the groups, and only then can we offer a hypothesis as to the reasons for that difference.  Kendi, who knows this perfectly well, has another goal in mind. 

To deliberately ignore such an elementary understanding of economics and market forces leaves the reader with the only plausible reason for his doing so—it was done for the obvious reason of attempting to prove the outcome of his preconceived bias.  It was clearly done for the opportunity to level a baseless and racist charge against both our economic system and an entire group of Americans who happen to be guilty of the charge of having simply been born white. When this happens repeatedly throughout his work, the reader is left with the realization that this was no accident. Kendi is an opportunistic racist and his brazen and unwarranted attacks upon “systematic racism” have little hope of ending economic discrepancies between racial groups. Moreover, it is as dangerous as it is hateful. 

Kendi’s deliberate distortions are capable of producing real harm to contemporary America in a number of ways. First, the use of deliberately false information to manipulate public opinion has always been characterized as propaganda. Here is another example.  Kendi argues “there is no such thing as a non-racist or race neutral policy.”[7]  Thus, when a bank offers home loans to customers, taking factors such as being ‘married,’ ‘annual income,’ or ‘years of education’ into account are not race-neutral. The reader is left to conclude these time-honored bulwarks of the market economy are racist barriers erected solely to deny persons of color the opportunity to own homes. Everything—all human interactions—according to Kendi involve race. Banks are no different. Profit motives are subordinated to the interest of keeping people of color in their place.  Readers are freely encouraged to resent in an unwarranted way our economic system which Kendi argues was devised by whites to subjugate minorities, but in turn, we’re not to think that this might lead to harming innocent institutions or people who are perceived to be part of the "white supremacist governing structure." This is as naïve as it is dangerous.

Contemporary American society is replete with the harmful effect of Kendi’s thinking. During the summer of 2020, there were over 12,000 recorded examples of civil unrest and thousands of stores were broken into, looted, and burned in dozens of cities by mostly Black Lives Matter protestors who were enraged over the death of George Floyd.[8]  Often, comments were made by BLM activists that their looting constituted an acceptable form of "reparations."[9] Chicago BLM activist Dahleen Glanton publicly addressed one such crowd, exhorting them to continue breaking the law: “I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store because that makes sure that person eats. That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.” When confronted with the charge that her words incited violence, Ariel Atkins defended her statement, justifying the looting and suggesting Black mayor Lori Lightfoot was racist for condemning the looters as criminals.  Atkins even defended those who tried to smash their way into a Ronald MacDonald House that cared for sick children and their families.

Self-proclaimed racial activist, Vicky Osterweil, defended looting as a form of racial justice in her book In Defense of Looting.  She contended that our nation’s beliefs on property and ownership are based on the history of anti-Black, anti-Indigenous oppression.[10]  Try explaining that to the descendants of the more than 50,000 indentured servants who were forcibly sent to the British colonies to labor for years for minor crimes, often so that they or their children could eat.[11] Historians estimate approximately one-fourth of all English migration to Britain’s American colonies consisted of convict laborers. Perhaps she and Ariel Atkins should make themselves a bit more familiar with American colonial history before they lay such historically incorrect charges against our nation’s legal foundations. To compare the life circumstances of those who today steal watches, jewelry, and designer clothes with those poor wretches whose convictions helped provide the basis for English common law is as unjust as comparing their incarceration to that of Jews during the Holocaust. To say our current legal system’s basis was built upon "racially supremacist foundations" lacks a total understanding of those foundations. For persons like Kendi and Osterweil, however, such charges are easily made.

Another example of Kendi’s racism may be seen in his contention that any discrimination against whites is not contrary to Constitutional protections such as ‘equal protection' under the law, but rather such anti-white racism is necessary to achieve ‘equity’ between the races.  Thus, the decision by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf to deliberately exclude poor white families from financial aid designed to help the city’s poor is based upon Kendi’s philosophy that such discrimination is "antiracist."[12]  Because white median income in her city exceeds that of Hispanics and Blacks, excluding the city's poorest whites from such aid helps the city level the aggregate wealth among all racial groups and is thus a "positive good." The fact that some white families may be poorer than others has no bearing on their eligibility or personal need. It is overall group equity that is the desired goal here, not assistance based equally upon individual needs. The similarity between this sort of racist argument and that of the antebellum racist slaveholder, John C. Calhoun--who argued that slavery was--on the whole--a 'positive good'--is quite remarkable.  

It is interesting to apply Kendi’s Orwellian standards of racial equality and critical race theory justice to American society today. Take the following scenario comparing four individuals—all with children ready to apply to college. The first child is the daughter of a Somali refugee whose parents arrived here in the 1990s. The second child is the son of white Serbian refugee parents who came to this nation following that nation’s devastating civil war in the 1990s. The third is the child of a Black federal postal worker father and a white female elementary school teacher whose family roots have been in America for generations. The last child is the son of two African-American professionals whose family has lived in Philadelphia for generations.  

In each case, examples of historic discrimination or hardship might be proven.  The Somali refugee’s Muslim ancestors might have been treated poorly by European Christians who briefly held that nation for a couple generations. To an even greater degree, the ancestors of the Serbian Christians faced religious persecution, enslavement, onerous taxation, and cultural genocide at the hands of their Turkish-Muslim oppressors for over 600 years. The ancestors of the Black postal worker might indeed have one time been American slaves and were likely discriminated against on account of their race. His white, Italian Catholic wife may have had parents and grandparents who faced some discrimination in their lives as well. Finally, the ancestors of the two African-American professionals—like those of the postal worker—faced discrimination from the white professional community but were always able to remain amongst DuBois’ “Talented Tenth”—in other words, among the wealthy elite of African-American society. 

In today’s society, hopelessly overcome as it is with theories of “intersectionality” (where being a member of a more heavily oppressed group bestows societal privileges over members of ‘lesser’ oppressed groups and where descendants of such oppressor groups themselves are actually to be discriminated against) this is no easy task. Which children are to be given ‘preferential’ treatment under the guise of working to ensure ‘racial equity?’  Obviously, the Somali child’s minority Muslim faith, black skin pigmentation, and probably low-income family background make for a very strong case for preferential treatment--despite the fact America played no role in that nation's colonization and our nation spent both human and financial treasure to help the Somali people.  The fact that Somali clans discriminated against one another back in Africa--despite everyone being black--has no real basis for preferential treatment here in America. The mixed-race child whose parents were postal worker and teacher, will count as a person of color (POC) and will therefore qualify as being ‘oppressed’—despite the higher than the national average income of the family and the fact that only one parent might ‘qualify’ as being really oppressed. The child of the two black professionals will certainly qualify, despite the family’s having lived in relative prosperity for generations and likely possessing the highest family income of the four.  Finally, by CRT ‘racial justice’ standards, the child of the Serbian family would most likely face justified ongoing racial discrimination—by virtue of that child’s ‘white privilege.’ In order to arrive at ‘racial equity,’ there are no individual exceptions. To prefer the Serbian student over any of the other three would be a racist act. Moreover, to discriminate against this white male one time does not clear the record. He must be continuously discriminated against every time he applies to a school or for a job. After all, CRT doesn't say there is a time limit for discrimination that is justified.

This is the Catch-22 world of group social justice as espoused by CRT scholars today.  According to CRT philosophy, there is no such thing as individual freedom of choice because everything is under the influence of racist, white supremacist rules and policies. Individual behavior--the deliberate choices or acts of individuals--individual effort and achievement—none of these matter.  Only the statistical anomalies and differences between racial groups should be considered and that these exist at all is evidence of white racism. To remedy these anomalies, discrimination against whites is not only encouraged but absolutely necessary. 

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL 

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society--and a former elementary school principal.  He may be reached at 


  1  Ibram X. Kendi, How to be An Antiracist, (New York: One World Press, 2019). 8.

  2  Ibid., 4.

  3  Ibid., 10.

  4. Ibid., 19.

  5. Ibid., 18.

  6. Among his other works, for many such examples see Thomas Sowell, Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality, (New York: William Morrow & Co., 1984).  

  7. Kendi, 18. 

  8.  It remains doubtful that police officer Derek Chauvin murdered Floyd. Floyd, who was resisting arrest, already had lethal dozes of several drugs in his system and autopsy reports revealed no such evidence.  It was reported by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) that “BLM activists were involved in 95% of the riots for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation.” Their study involved data on 12,045 incidents of civil unrest in the U.S. from just May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. 

  9.  Dahleen Glanton, “Reparations are about economic stability, not a pair of $120 Nikes,” Chicago Tribune, August 17, 2020, available at:  

  10.  Lee Brown, “BLM organizer who called looting ‘reparations’ dismisses peaceful protesting,” New York Post, August 13, 2020. 

  11.  Anthony Varer, Bound With an Iron Chair: the Untold Story of How the British Transported 50,000 Convicts to Colonial America, (Westborough, MA: Pickpocket Publishing, 2011).  

  12.  “City of Oakland Mayor is branded racist for giving families of color $500 a month…”, Daily Mail, March 24, 2021, available at:  Mayor Schaaf earlier defended her decision to tip off illegal criminals in Oakland that ICE was about to make arrests in her city.  See:  

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left: Covid-19

 A significant double standard has developed during this ‘Covid” pandemic in the way that ‘experts’ tell us how to live our lives versus how they themselves traverse these precarious times. For instance, I recall Denver Mayor Michael Hancock telling his constituents to “avoid travel” 30 minutes before he himself boarded a plane to visit his family. I also recall Ted Cruz being attacked for his Cancun trip, but 30 Democrat members of Congress (with their families) flew to Puerto Rico on a chartered jet, met with lobbyists, and watched the play ‘Hamilton’ as the shutdown dragged on and that was okay (

Gov. Gavin Newsom was busted for attending a large lunch gathering at ‘The French Laundry,’ which is one of California’s most exclusive fine-dining restaurants, in the middle of a pandemic. Also, he did this during a time that most of the service industry was shut down, and Americans were forced to wear masks and avoid large crowds. Pictures and video leaked of Nancy Pelosi at ‘ESalonSF’ in San Francisco getting her hair done with no mask. Salons had been closed the prior 7 months. Unbelievably, she whined that she had been set up and stated that the salon owed her an apology – incredible chutzpah. 

To illustrate the lockdown absurdity, Candace Owens astutely noted, “I am allowed to fly directly next to perfect strangers on a packed plane with no social distancing between us and during that flight we can all take our masks off to eat and drink, but my husband is not allowed to attend any of my pre-natal appointments with me because SCIENCE.” Where was the ‘science’ when Dr. Deborah Brix, the coordinator of the White House’s coronavirus response violated her own Thanksgiving coronavirus recommendations on 12/20/20 and traveled to gather with family members outside her household despite urging Americans to keep celebrations within their “immediate household?”

Sitting on a balcony eating outside at a restaurant is not okay apparently, but flying on airplanes is fine because billion-dollar corporations funded a study through Harvard University, which says it is. Washington, D.C. ended its ban on indoor dining on 1/21/21, and restaurants were already open at 25% capacity with cases and deaths higher than they were when the ban was proposed! All the while on 1/27/21 CNBC touted triple-masking for best protection against COVID-19.

Tellingly, Gretchen Whitmer eased restaurant restrictions 48 hours after Biden’s inauguration, and on 1/14/21 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said that restaurants and bars needed to reopen, “as quickly as possible.” Apparently, businesses cannot reopen and kids cannot go back to school, but Biden raised the refugee limit to 125,000 on 2/4/21. Also, L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl dined at a restaurant hours after voting to ban outdoor dining. San Francisco Mayor London Breed had her own French Laundry party with socialites the night after Newsome banned indoor dining on 12/1/20.

Can you just smell the hypocrisy yet?

Joe Biden called Trump xenophobic because of his China travel ban, yet on 1/21/21 he implemented a ban on most travel into the U.S. for most non-U.S. citizens. Sure, Trump’s China ban was “xenophobic,” but the considerations of a ban on domestic travel to Florida by the Biden administration was A-Okay. Here is a list of officials accused of Covid hypocrisy: Steve Adler, London Breed, Gavin Newsome, Sheila Kuehl, Gretchen Whitmer, Bill Deblasio, Jim Kenney, and Michelle Lujan Grisham. He actually said to “pass the potatoes, not covid. Stay home as much as you can, especially if you’re sick. Host virtual gatherings instead of in-person dinners. Order your holiday meal from a local eatery. Shop online with a small business on Black Friday.” I have a radical idea. How about we let Americans live their lives freely. I am sad to admit that this may be an alien concept to those on the Left.

Jean-Marc Bovee, PhD retired

Monday, March 22, 2021

Preferential Treatment in Florida’s K-12 Curriculum Must be Stopped!

    It appears that liberal educators are once again trying to use the subject of race to further divide us. Not content with banning the works of noted anti-racists such as Mark Twain, Harper Lee and Dr. Seuss from schools, they’re feverishly seeking to use discredited educational materials related to Critical Race Theory such as the NY Times “1619 Project” or the even more incendiary materials promoted by Black Lives Matter. Today, Ivy League faculties and the K-12 National Education Association vie for being the most ‘woke.’ Those who resist their indoctrination are resented, rebuked, ridiculed, or treated even worse. The latest assault on common sense now seems to be in the form of Florida HB105 submitted by Geraldine Thompson (D-Orange County, CO-SPONSORS: Bartleman; Benjamin; Gottlieb; Grieco; Nixon; Tant; and Woodson).  This measure would amend Florida’s required instruction statute, FS 1003.42, by adding language on how schools must address the teaching of African-American History—one of the many specific areas of content all school districts must provide to students. Although there are multiple bills pertaining to African-American history this year, this one is the worst.

     By law, textbook publishers and schools must address twenty politically important content areas.  These twenty areas involve mostly civics and history. For example, students must be instructed on the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the content of the Federalist Papers, the overall history of the United States, the arguments in support of a Republican form of government, the history of the Holocaust, and the contributions of women, Hispanics, and African-Americans to our nation.  (Some other areas of the statute pertain to teaching students to ‘be kind to animals,’ and the harmful effects of alcohol.)

      HB 105 seeks to give preferential treatment to just one of the twenty areas of the required instruction statute by mandating onerous annual reports from each and every Florida school on exactly how well they address the teaching of African-American history.  Under the proposal, schools would be mandated to have teacher in-service in the above beyond the diversity training most school districts already have in place. Schools would have to address this content not just at one grade level or within the content of one course such as American History, but must infuse the content throughout all grades and across subject areas. Each school must partner with an institution of higher learning to provide appropriate in-service and each school must annually submit a report to the state detailing the extent to which such training and teaching took place. The state must additionally develop assessment questions to be annually administered to students to assess their knowledge and understanding of this one group’s contributions to our nation.  Finally, a completely new statute—FS 1003.445—would be created to ensure compliance of not just Florida’s public schools, but all Charter Schools and selected private schools. Under this new statute, any such school not fulfilling these duties to the satisfaction of the state would risk having its Charter revoked and the principal could lose his or her salary.  

     The intent of this new bill is nefarious. Parents who have fled the nation’s public schools and who have enrolled their children in Charter Schools or private schools to protect them from the harmful indoctrination of Critical Race Theory are now literally being pursued by Leftists. Not content to allow Florida’s publicly approved textbook adoption process and school districts themselves to fulfill the mandates of Florida’s required instruction statute, the threat of HB105 to revoke Charter School contracts and impound the salaries of school principals is unprecedented. Even the principals of Florida’s lowest-performing public schools aren’t threatened in such terms.

     Bear in mind, the provision for teaching African-American history is only one of twenty such content areas that school districts must provide. No other section of the required instruction statute would receive such preferential treatment. No school principal would face a loss of salary for not instructing students in the importance of our ‘free enterprise system’ or failing to ensure students understand the arguments in ‘favor or a Republican form of government”—let alone failing to properly teach American History or Civics. Some Floridians may even remember when former Governor Jeb Bush even went so far as to eliminate these two subjects as requirements for a high school diploma! 

     What is at stake here is the vast amount of money that will be spent on ‘racial huckstering’ and on questionable teacher in-service workshops. Very likely, these will consist of exposing Florida’s teachers to the nefarious curriculum ideas emanating from racial hucksters like Robin DeAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi. It would likely expose Florida’s children to biased and inaccurate materials from the Black Lives Matter curriculum. There are plenty of such examples. The Naperville, IL school district recently paid one diversity consultant $10,500 for a one-hour in-service zoom lecture that stated ‘whiteness’ was ‘spiritually murdering’ some minority students. Fairfax County, VA schools gave Ibram X. Kenhi $44,000 for a one-hour lecture and for copies of his controversial book which became required reading for students.  Millions of dollars have been wasted on such dribble. Now that President Biden has reinstated Critical Race Theory throughout the federal government—which holds ‘whiteness’ and western civilization as impediments to social progress—we can be assured millions more will spent on such divisive workshops and materials.

     If only it was a question of squandering millions of dollars in needless district staff development programs. The real harm rests in the continued indoctrination of students through Leftist, un-American content and in the elevation of one group’s heritage over others.  It presumes to recreate a teaching staff that already should know—by virtue of their teaching degree—how to instruct students in the contributions of African-Americans. Nor are African-American students even Florida’s largest school minority.  If passed, it will likely end up pitting minority groups against one another as Hispanics and other minorities seek similar provisions in Florida law.

     As Justice John Marshall Harlan so eloquently stated in his Plessy v Ferguson dissent of 1896, “our Constitution is color-blind.” His argument that no race should be given preferential treatment under the law was later adopted by the Court in 1954. The current attempt by liberal Leftist legislators to now undo that principle by elevating one group above all others is as un-democratic as it is unwise. 

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL 

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society--a former elementary school principal and a resident of Lee County for five decades.  


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Democrat’s Prove Themselves to be Traitors to Traditional America: Education

In 2008 political commentator J.B. Williams ran an article describing why President Obama’s Democratic Party was “not your grandfather’s Democrats!” After all, although while campaigning in 2008 President Obama often said although he loved America, he just as often said he hoped to “fundamentally change” it.  More recently, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said the same. Such statements are never questioned. I’d venture that few husbands have the courage to try saying this to their wives on their anniversary—“Honey, I love you so much but can we agree that you need to fundamentally change?”  You either love something for what it is, or you want to fundamentally change it into something that it’s not. There’s not much wiggle room here. Just as J.B. Williams so clearly argued back then, President Obama’s words, actions and appointments all gave evidence to counter his claim of professing “love” for our nation. Today’s Democratic Party, still under the tutelage of Barack Obama and his protégés, seems to be no different. It continues to make decision after decision that runs counter to the best interests of the American people and our traditional values. Just as Jefferson argued in the Declaration of Independence, “when a long train of abuses … pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design” – well, it’s time once again to take note of such designs and to call out those who want such ‘fundamental change.’  Just as Jefferson provided enormous detail and facts “to a candid world,” the day-in-day-out actions of today’s Democratic Party provide ample evidence to their un-American beliefs. 

     The 1960s and 1970s were unquestionably the height of this nation’s commitment to equality of opportunity for all Americans.  The Warren Court upheld individual rights and freedom to an unprecedented degree. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution were cited repeatedly in advancing equal opportunity for all Americans—regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or handicap. It might be said that the Warren Court succeeded in ‘fundamentally changing’ America. Today’s Democratic Party, however, has steadily marched away from the belief in the rights of individuals and has now fully embraced group rights and nefarious doctrines such as ‘disparate impact is tantamount to racism’ and ‘critical race theory.’ Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in the field of education. A few examples in the spirit of Jefferson might prove helpful. 

     Despite sixty years of fighting to end racial segregation in education, we’ve now witnessed decades of self-imposed segregation at virtually all institutions of higher learning. At many universities, minority students can choose to segregate in ethnic or racial housing and may sometimes even demand or reject room-mates due to race. To assist race-based admissions, colleges continue to hide aggregate qualifications of freshmen based upon race.  It took a Supreme Court case to reveal that one university gave added bonus admission points to Black students that equated to those awarded to students who earned perfect scores on the SAT.  Increasingly, our university system is moving away from merit-based admission policies. Ironically, Asian-students are no longer considered minorities on some campuses while in other cases Asian parents are suing Ivy League schools because of past discriminatory policies. 

     Related to having separate policies based upon race, last week, Columbia University announced it would authorize six separate graduation ceremonies for students who identify by non-traditional genders. Apparently, the California University system’s policy of allowing students to identify as any one of six separate genders has now been adopted nationwide. Along these lines, in an effort to be ‘more inclusive,’ Democrats in Congress recently introduced “The Gender Equality Act” which—like so many other Democratic measures—does the exact opposite of what its name states. Allowing an infinitesimally small number of transgendered males to compete in women’s sports places all female athletes at a tremendous disadvantage!  The disparity of the sexes in sports is obvious—to everyone but Democrats. For example, there are currently over 300 high school boys who have faster sprint times than the fastest woman in the world. In 2017, a high school boy’s team composed entirely of players under the age of 15 easily defeated the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. The immediate response was to forever cease having adult women’s soccer teams compete with adolescent boys-not allow transgendered men to compete on the women’s team! There is already abundant evidence that trans-women athletes are taking substantial competitive scholarships away from women who have devoted their entire lives to their athletic careers. Rather than publicly protest this injustice, however, most girls remain silent for fear they will endanger their own college admissions as being transphobic. Whereas in the 1970s & 80s our nation used to ridicule and question the gender of certain Communist East German or Russian female track-and-field athletes in order to maintain a level playing field for all, it now appears Democrats have fully embraced such lunacy and inequality. 

     Nor is it just in sports or college admissions that today’s Progressive Democrats seek to undermine traditional American educational values. The racist indoctrination of so many students at the post-secondary level has now permeated into the curriculum of the K-12 system. The study of America’s past and other social science courses are now saturated with racial bias and falsehoods. Questionable new curriculum as exemplified in the NY Times “1619 Project,” “White Privilege Classes” and the Black Lives Matter educational teaching modules are now used in thousands of schools across the country. Since our nation has deliberately failed to implement national accountability on subjects like American History or Civics—the only subjects that lack such assessment—Leftist teachers and school administrators are free to use these false doctrines and un-American teaching activities with little fear of the consequence of poor test scores.  

     The use of un-American content in grades K-12 began with a two-pronged assault on traditional American history. Incendiary books that characterize America as the worst nation in the world with regard to human rights and racism have long been used in many urban districts. The Portland City Schools “Afro-centric” curriculum model was adopted by many other cities in the 1980s. The second phase is now taking place, however, and it involves our best students and most academic schools. Since the nation’s best schools—many of them private—feed their students into the Ivy League, which has now fully embraced such Leftist un-American content in their own institutions, they feel the need to similarly adopt the same nefarious content in their own classrooms to make their graduates ‘more acceptable’ to admissions committees. Nor are merit-based programs at K-12 themselves safe from elimination. The San Francisco and New York school districts are leading the way in eliminating any merit-based criteria for student admission to their high-performing middle and high school STEM programs. Soon, high academic standards for such specialized programs may be a thing of the past.  It’s not uncommon today for the parents of such students to have to meet in private to discuss the problem for fear of retribution.  Those whose children attend Los Angeles Harvard-Westlake school are just one example. 

     Nor are the faculties in the Social Science and Humanities Departments balanced in terms of ideological philosophy. Study after study has revealed the overwhelming Leftist views of these and other educators, whether it’s the faculty of Ivy League institutions or the members of the National Education Association. As a result, today’s students often lack any perspective other than the view now dictated by the Progressive Left.  

       The result of these above trends is now the purging of any content and authors with whom the Left disagrees. The works of well established ant-racist authors such as Mark Twain, Harper Lee and Dr. Seuss are ‘banned’ today, but books that hold extremist views on race by authors such as Malcolm X, R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, Robin D’Angelo, Ibram X. Kendi, and others are ‘suggested’ readings--even in places such as the U.S. military.  

        Parents who have fled the nation’s public schools and who have enrolled their children in Charter Schools or private schools to protect them from such harmful indoctrination are now literally being pursued by Leftists. In Florida, a measure (HB 105) has been introduced to revoke Charter School contracts and will allow the impounding of the salaries of school principals who do not embrace ‘suggested’ race-based curriculum modules. Other states are threatening to do the same. No such legal attempt has been made to do this in any other curriculum area that a principal doesn’t comply with. Even the lowest-performing public school principals aren’t threatened with the loss of salary for repeated low test scores.

       In these and many other ways, Democrats today have declared war on accepted American educational values. Can those who seek to end equal opportunity and who wish to turn their backs upon the gains of the 1970s and 1980s be anything but traitors to the rights of individual Americans today? As Jefferson once declared, when such a ‘long train of abuses’ takes place, it’s time to call out the traitors for who they are.       

     In these and many other ways, Democrats today have declared war on accepted American educational values. Can those who seek to end equal opportunity and who wish to turn their backs upon the gains of the 1970s and 1980s be anything but traitors to the educational rights of individual Americans today? As Jefferson once declared, when such a ‘long train of abuses’ takes place, it’s time to call out the traitors for who they are.  

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL 

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society, and a former elementary school principal.  He may be reached at   

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Where Are All the Rebels?

 I have decided to detour from the ‘Hypocrisy’ series for a turn and delve into something that has been troubling me lately. Since a very early age I have always been a nonconformist. In fact, all throughout my teens and beyond I have taken great pride in going against the grain. So, as a middle-aged man facing down half a century of time on earth, I wonder - what happened to all of the proud nonconformists?

See, back in the eighties it was a badge of honor to be ‘different,’ ‘unique,’ or even ‘weird.’ I have noticed that nowadays it is conformity that gets you into the ‘cool’ kids club, which seems antithetical to me. Where is the challenge in conforming? 

“Woke’ kids today like to pretend that they wear the badge of honor (vis-à-vis rebellion), but in reality they are simply in lockstep with the establishment. The media, academia, entertainment industry, and even corporate America (just to name a few) have cow-towed to the current progressive movement entailing such ‘virtues’ as diversity and the like.

Do you want to know why Dave Chappelle is so revered? It is because he is fearless. He told the #metoo movement to STFU. The same goes for Bill Burr. Americans gravitate toward anyone who pushes back against the establishment (i.e., we love the underdog).

This may be the most significant disconnect between Generation X and every generation that has followed. Gen-Xers were raised to be irreverent, sarcastic, and facetious. Young people today seem far too eager to gain acceptance by pleasing others through capitulation, wokeness, and self-flagellation. For instance, they see the racist and misogynist boogeyman behind every corner, and they leap at every opportunity to besmirch America without ever asking themselves, “where would you rather be?” 

Gaining acceptance through ones peers has grown tantamount to holding up the middle finger to the establishment. Everyone nowadays wants to be liked and so they are more than happy to virtue signal, regurgitate bland platitudes, and play the role that society has assigned them. Then they pride themselves on their courageous and bold stance. I miss the days when individualism was revered versus group acceptance. 

There is a gif that has gone viral showing a crowd of people giving the ‘Heil Hitler salute’ with a solitary man standing with his arms crossed, and it states, “Be like this.” I love that ‘meme.’ Do yourself a favor and take pride in being like that guy. Just remember what Thomas Jefferson said, approach everything with a “healthy dose of skepticism.” And before you dismiss Jefferson as just another white ‘slaveholder hypocrite who wanted to be free,’ remember that is was he among several forefathers who paved the way through the Constitution and Declaration of Independence that allowed for the eventual abolition of slavery and freedom of blacks in this country. 

Jean-Marc Bovee

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left: Economics

Since our education system (including K through 12 AND the universities) do not teach civics, American history, or economics in any meaningful, honest, or unbiased way thus creating generation after generation of ignoramuses, then let us begin here with some basic definitions. Capitalism is defined as, “an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.” In other words, people are free to exchange money for goods or services that they want without government interference. Socialism is defined as, “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” In other words, the state decides things as opposed to individuals, so kiss your individuality and freedom goodbye.

In a capitalist system, it is incumbent upon the business to cater to the needs and wants of consumers who are essentially voting with their money and thus holding the business accountable. Consumers decide the fate of a corporation or business. If the service is poor, then people will purchase elsewhere and eventually that poorly run business will go bankrupt. This is why competition is good. 

In a socialist system, government elites decide what consumers get and how much they pay for it. This is why government bailouts for businesses are a terrible idea. This removes any accountability to customers and stockholders, removes any ramifications for producing an inferior product, provides lousy customer service, and essentially rewards inefficiency. The government, through things like food stamps and other such welfare entitlement programs, allows for the benefit of some people at the expense of others.   

Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America. Now, due to socialism, it is a hell-hole where a million Venezuelan dollars is worth about 55 cents in the U.S. In a speech at Harvard University, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said, “I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with socialism. Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.” 

Too many people believe that capitalism is all about greed, and that it helps the rich while hurting the poor. This is false. Not only is a free market system economically superior to other models, but it is morally superior as well because it involves voluntary actions between individuals. Unlike what Gordon Gekko preached in Oliver Stone’s movie Wall Street, America’s economic system is not a zero-sum game, it is a positive-sum game where everyone wins. 

The Biden administration and the Democrat party are currently planning on raising taxes astronomically. It will be the highest tax increase since 1993. Basic economics (and common sense) dictates that the more you tax something, the less of that something you get. Lower taxes and less regulation invariably lead to economic expansion. Capitalism leads to economic democracy whereas socialism leads to economic dictatorship by the elite. Only a free market capitalist economy can produce financial liberty. Government involvement results is less power for the people.

America is the wealthiest nation in history because of capitalism. As Walter Williams said, “In a free market, the ambition and the voluntary effort of citizens, not the government, drives the economy. This means that people can shape their own destiny.” Sounds pretty moral to me. Traditionally, throughout history, the only way to acquire wealth was through robbing, stealing, and pillaging. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is regarded as the most important economic work ever written for a reason. He saw the division of labor as the way to maximize production and free markets as virtually limitless in their possibility for the expansion of wealth through manufacture and trade. It was a laissez-faire policy that would encourage the most efficient operation of private and commercial enterprises. 

Rush Limbaugh has often stated, “The world’s biggest problem is the unequal distribution of capitalism. If there were capitalism everywhere, you wouldn’t have food shortages.” The Pilgrims tried socialism in 1620 when they landed near Plymouth Rock; it didn’t work. There was no such thing as private property in the Mayflower Compact; it was Marxism before Marx. Governor William Bradford described it as a failure. 

The one thing that all totalitarian states share in common is death. Over 100 million lives have been sacrificed over the last century due to communism, which is the final result of socialism. Rather than succumb to the propaganda fed to us by Leftists regarding the evils of capitalism, perhaps we should read, expand our minds, and realize that capitalism is what has rescued much of the world from poverty.

Jean-Marc Bovee 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Left – Feminism Part II

The Republican Party ran the blandest nominee ever in 2012 with Mitt Romney. He was almost a real-life version of Ned Flanders from The Simpsons. Despite that, the Left still found ways to castigate him. For instance, they recoiled in horror when they found out that he had a binder of women for potential cabinet members, because he wanted diversity in his cabinet. Then they criticized him for traveling with his dog on the top of his vehicle (that one I can sympathize with more). I still do not know why it was wrong to have a separate folder of female applicants for potential jobs. At least he was not raping, sexually assaulting, or drowning them like so many Democrats have done as mentioned in my previous article.

The reason I bring this up is because I see a tremendous double standard in our society regarding the treatment of women when someone on the Right is involved versus the Left. Let us engage in a mental exercise here – just for fun and a little edification. On March 18, 2011 on “Real Time With Bill Maher,” Bill himself said this about Sarah Palin, “Did you hear this – Sarah Palin heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami.’ Oh, speaking of dumb twats, did you - ” Now, imagine Sean Hannity saying that about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, for example. Not only was there no outrage at the time, but despite the fact that we have people digging into tweets someone posted ten years ago (Kevin Hart for example) and trying to get them cancelled, it is perplexing to me that Maher walked away from that comment unscathed. It seems to me that the Left will defend women and minorities ONLY if they tow the line -- politically speaking. For the record, he also called her the “C” word during one of his stand-up acts in 2011.

I recall when Barack Obama said, “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” in obvious reference to Palin. She had previously stated, “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.” The slander was clearly aimed directly at her. The comedian Louis C.K. actually apologized to Palin for a nasty tweet he posted about her. The Washington Post printed an article on August 16, 2015 where the first line was, “Louis C.K. is probably one of the most feminist comedians working today.” Is that not the same guy who was masturbating in front of women in his dressing room? Anyway, the same article goes on to say, “In 2010, he said some things about Sarah Palin. They were bad. Like we-cannot-even-think-about-printing-them bad.” I have a question, is the writer of this ‘like’ article Soraya Nadia McDonald ‘like’ a complete ‘like’ moron or something?

In June of 2019, David Letterman ‘joked’ that Alaska’s governor had the style of a “slutty flight attendant,” and then went on to say, “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.” Imagine anyone saying anything even close to resembling that about one of Obama’s daughters. And before you start screaming misogyny, back in November 2013 the singer Cher tweeted regarding Palin, “Go to dictionary & look up The “C” word….next 2 the definition…you’ll see a Pic of Sarah PALIN! NO…WAIT…SHES (sp) UNDER DUMB C WORD.” Yes, Cher certainly has a way with words, doesn’t she?

Now, I could go on about the derogatory things said about women who do not tow the liberal line such as Kirstie Alley (who Tom Arnold described as “the new Rosanne”), or 

Candace Owens who Noah Cyrus called a “nappy headed hoe,” or Michelle Malkin who was described by Keith Olberman as, “A big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it,” or things said about Amy Comey Barrett, Jan Brewer, or Kaleigh McEnany.

However, I would like to close with comments made by the Left regarding two more women. At Rob Lowe’s Roast on Comedy Central in 2016, ‘comedian’ Tony Hinchcliffe referred to Ann Coulter as an  “anorexic Seabiscuit.” English comedian Jimmy Carr said that, “Ann is one of the most repugnant, hateful, hatchet-face bitches alive” and “It’s not too late to change, Ann. You could kill yourself.” ‘Comedian’ Nikki Glaser said, “Ann Coulter has written 11 books – 12 if you count ‘Mein Kampf.’ ‘Comedian’ Pete Davidson—who referred to Dan Crenshaw losing one of his eyes serving in the U.S. military as “whatever”—called Coulter a “racist cunt.”

Lastly, I would like to mention Condoleezza Rice who was Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009. Syndicated cartoonist Ted Rall depicted Rice proclaiming herself as Bush’s “house nigga.” Then, a nationally syndicated cartoonist Jeff Danziger of the New York Times Syndicate was actually criticized for using racist themes to mock her. He told that his comparison of Rice to the black maid Prissy in the film "Gone With the Wind" had nothing to do with race but came about "because [Rice] lied about a war." Sure. Rice’s nomination, noted the Washington Post, garnered “the most negative votes cast against a nominee for that post in 180 years.” Danziger drew a big-lipped, barely literate Condoleezza Rice, nursing the aluminum tubes cited by the White House as evidence of Iraq’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

The point in all of this is that the rules of civility, equality, and whatever other feel-good buzzwords the Left cares to implement only apply if you think and believe exactly the way that they do. If you dare cross them politically, then your ‘privilege points’ drop drastically ( Incidentally, I am sure that Bill Clinton still does not realize that harass is one word, not two.

Jean-Marc Bovee

Jean-Marc Bovee is the author of ‘A Prescription for Retail Pharmacy’ and ‘The World of the Dead’--both available in audio versions as well. He most recently released a book on his Prince fandom titled ‘I Loved Him With A Passion Uncontested.’ Also available on iTunes is his tribute to the founding fathers titled ‘Jean-Marc Bovee’s Forefathers - Single.’ Dr. Bovee received his Pharm.D. from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 2003, but is now retired. 

The Hypocrisy of the Left: Feminism Part 1

The definition of feminism is, “The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” All 57 of them? I was told by Progressives that there are AT LEAST 57 sexes now. Are all of the sexes 57 parts equal? I also recall being told by Progressives that there may be an infinite number of sexes, so how does that work? Anyway, is it just me or has the evolution of feminism led to the current behavior of women to emulate the worst behavior of men traditionally? In other words, I see example after example of women imitating all of the worst behavior of men in some half-assed attempt to be ‘equal.’

It seems that boys have become less masculine as time has gone on. Toxic masculinity, ‘mansplaining,’ ‘manspreading,’ and Gillette commercials has lead to the wussification of men while at the same time women have become more vulgar, short tempered, and physically aggressive. How and why is this odd reversal happening? All one has to do is look at the litany of videos going viral of women (of all ages) wrestling and fist fighting in public over various idiotic reasons. Here is a very recent example of precisely what I mean

I recently tried warning one young lady (who will be 26 soon) to try and refrain from flicking people off in traffic because you never know what unhinged nutters are out there. I also told her in addition to posting provocative pics on Instagram that she should also post one of her doctorate degree (if she really wants to impress people). Well, the response was unwelcoming to say the least. My heart goes out to her fiancé’ who will assuredly one day have the unenviable task of defending her honor after she gives the bird to ‘steroid lad’ who will angrily exit his car swinging a pair of nun chucks to settle the score.

I recall a YouTube video that went viral several years ago showing a woman walking down a street in New York City being so-called ‘cat-called,’ which stirred up a lot of controversy. Rush Limbaugh had actually spoken about it pointing out the benign nature of the video and questioning why there was such an uproar. Here is the link to that video and my point is … why are so many young women outraged by this? There is no vulgarity being used by the men, there are no sexually suggestive comments being made, there is nothing untoward being uttered, and certainly nothing physical going on … so again I ask, what’s the outrage all about? 

It kind of reminds me of Michelle Obama’s recollection regarding a ‘racist’ incident she recently experienced where a woman cut in front of her in line and acted like she wasn’t even there. Well, welcome to the human collective; that happens to us all! Here too, if this video ‘triggers’ you, then I suggest that you have never experienced real sexual harassment. The bottom line is you ladies really need to grow some thicker skin, man up, and quit your whining.

Bernard Goldberg once wrote that there was a time when a drunk in a bar would not have dropped the F-bomb. Now, on a regular basis, I hear women in their late teens and early twenties cussing like George Carlin on methamphetamines. What had happened to young women in this country? When did they become so vulgar and violent?

We currently live in the greatest country the world has ever known, and at an amazing time in history. Yet I see so much misery on the faces of young people (not just women). For the record, there is no ‘rape culture’ on college campuses. Think about it, if there were, then why would any caring parent send their daughter off to college? It’s all B.S.

My question to all of you Millennials, Generation Zers, Xers, and Yers – where in the world would you rather be female, black, gay, or trans? Would you be happier in Asia? Africa? The Middle East? No, if I had to bet I would say that you would all prefer to be a part of Western Civilization, so unlike Megan Markle, and her dumb husband Harry the Beta Male of Sussex, I would advise you to pause for a moment and express some gratitude. I would also suggest the same thing that Dave Chappelle advised in his stand up “Sticks and Stones’’ to the ‘MeToo’ movement - please don’t make me say it.  

Lastly, regarding feminism in general and the hypocritical nature of those on the Left. Since I am over the age of three, I remember quite vividly the treatment of Brett Kavanaugh vis-à-vis Christine Blasey Ford’s less than credible testimony that he tried to rape her. Not only did she not have any facts to back up her story, not only did she not have any witnesses to corroborate her story, not only did her best friend Leland Keyser not believe her, not only could she not recollect the actual year that this allegedly happened, but the Left insisted that we #believeallwomen, which is stupid in and of itself. Then something very mysterious happened, Tara Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault and suddenly the #believeallwomen mantra ceased dead in its tracks. This is, of course, except for Kamala Harris who said at the time this accusation (and others) surfaced, “Oh, I believe them.” 

In fact, I am even old enough to remember when Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, and Leslie Millwee accused Bill Clinton of rape and various sexual assaults to which Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party besmirched those women and used some half-assed excuse like a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ was to blame. Again, this may be projection. Remember, the Left always accuses the right of what they themselves are guilty of. Don’t believe me? I have six names for you: Lindsey Boylan, Charlotte Bennett, Anna Ruch, Ana Liss, Karen Hinton, Jessica Bakeman, and there is a seventh speaking out today as I write this all accusing Andrew Cuomo of various inappropriate sexual advances. They are just coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden! Well, it could be worse I suppose; at least none of them were abandoned to be drowned like Ted Kennedy did to Mary Jo Kopechne. Hey, I have a new hashtag idea – how about #keepwomenawayfromdemocrats or #believeallwomeneveniftheyaccuseademocrat?

Jean-Marc Bovee

Jean-Marc Bovee is the author of ‘A Prescription for Retail Pharmacy’ and ‘The World of the Dead’--both available in audio versions as well. He most recently released a book on his Prince fandom titled ‘I Loved Him With A Passion Uncontested.’ Also available on iTunes is his tribute to the founding fathers titled ‘Jean-Marc Bovee’s Forefathers - Single.’ Dr. Bovee received his Pharm.D. from the St. Louis College of Pharmacy in 2003, but is now retired. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Pick the Issue, Democrats Prove Themselves to be Traitors: Fraud & Malfeasance

Today’s Democratic Party bears no resemblance to the party of JFK, LBJ or even Bill Clinton. This is unmistakable.  Regardless of issue—whether it’s immigration, health-care, First or Second Amendment Rights, civil rights, government spending, education, electoral integrity, foreign affairs, fiscal responsibility, national defense, trade or anything else—today’s Leftist Democratic Party can be depended upon to take positions contrary to the best interests of the American people.  This week’s case in point: the so-called ‘Covid Relief Bill.’  

The passage of the unparalleled $1.9 trillion dollar measure, signed into law this week with not one Republican vote, is only the most recent indication of how Leftists are seeking to destroy the nation. Moreover, the mainstream media—now solidly in league with the Left—applauds the fact that over 90% of the funds have nothing to do with Covid relief. The vast majority of funds are literally bribe payments to far-Left constituencies. Republican arguments that there is right now $1 trillion still left to fund Covid relief fell upon deaf ears. Average Americans agree that with the impact of such funding still to be made, why spend another $2 trillion?  The reason, of course, is that it is necessary to take money from the Red States with fiscally sound economies to pay for Blue State incompetence and malfeasance! For example, for decades Democrats have voted to give public employees salaries and pensions that were knowingly unsustainable. Rather than tax their own citizens, however, to pay for these costs, they’ve turned to Washington. As a result, hundreds of billions of dollars from American taxpayers will now be sent to fund the bloated pensions of overpaid governmental employees in Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania. Thus, Red State southerners who have played by the rules and have balanced their budgets and who have lower than national average salaries will now be forced to bail out northern states with higher salaries and pensions. “Never let a crisis go to waste” is the Democratic mantra. Lest we forget, civil wars have been fought over such regional exploitation and oppression. 

Despite the fact that some southerners are once again making the argument of “Northern aggression,” it’s an even easier argument to accuse today’s Democratic party of deliberately planning for our nation’s collapse. A good example is their plan to tax citizens so that “stimulus money” may be given to non-citizens who are here illegally. This is, of course, a deliberate affront to law-abiding American citizens and will only serve to increase the flow of illegals into the country—one of the key goals of the Democrat Party. Similarly, Democrats are using the so-called Covid-Relief Bill to punish conservative regions of the nation so that they may continue to reward (read ‘bribe’) their Leftist, “Tammy-Hall-like” minions. Americans in conservative states will now be taxed to cover for the blatant incompetence of Democratic-one-party states like California and Washington that have lost hundreds of billions of dollars in unemployment fraud.  In December 2020—just one month—21,000 prisoners, including 100 on death row, helped CA lose a staggering $400 million in welfare fraud. It’s gotten so bad that CA is now funding criminal gangs in Russia and Nigeria—both of whom have reaped hundreds of millions from the lunacy of liberal state welfare policies.  

    CA isn’t alone. The Leftist bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. is no different. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has estimated that in 2020 alone, improper payments amounted to 23.5% of those receiving Earned Income Tax Credits ($14.2 billion) and 21.3 % of Medicaid expenditures ($95.3 billion). The list of federally wasted funds due to fraud and mismanagement contributed to over $129 Billion in losses for just the year 2020 alone! Heaven only knows how much of the $1.9 trillion will be going to criminals here or in China, Nigeria, or Russia. 

    With such a track record as this, it’s no wonder why Americans are increasingly distrustful of big government. The history of the Democratic Party has always found success relying upon the ignorance of illiterate voters—whether it was the Klan in the South or Tammany-Hall-like political machines in the urban cities of the North.  The only difference between the graft and incompetence of the old days and that of today is the role of the media. Back in the early 1900s, a “Progressive” reform-minded media exposed such graft and incompetence to the American electorate. Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, and Ray Stannard Baker—among others—led the charge of journalists to clean up the corruption and educate Americans to that need. Today’s mainstream media and our Schools of Journalism, however, seem only to want to provide continued cover for it and their Democratic Tammany-Hall-like leaders.

Jack Bovee
Fort Myers, FL

The writer has been a social studies educator, founder of Rho Kappa—the National Social Studies Honor Society, and a former elementary school principal.  He may be reached at   

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Letter to a "Woke" Northern School Superintendent

The following letter was sent to the Superintendent and members of the School Board for Burlington, VT following news that all schools were flying the Black Lives Matter flag underneath the U.S. flag at all school locations.  To download the actual PDF copy of the letter, complete with supporting photographs, click HERE

 December 18, 2020

Dr. Tom Flanagan, Superintendent
Burlington School District                                                                          1
50 Colchester Ave.    
Burlington, VT  05401     

Dear Superintendent Flanagan and Board Members,

     I am writing to you as a one-time AP US History Teacher, a Social Studies Coordinator for two separately large school districts with combined student populations of approximately 175,000 students, and a former School Principal. My educational career spans over 45 years. As a former educator, I am concerned with the recent decision by BSD to fly the Black Lives Matter flag prominently at all your schools. I am heartened by your comments that in doing so, your school district is attempting to value “all its students.” In doing so, you stressed that raising the BLM flag at all your schools was "symbolically" committing the district to “anti-racist practices, diversity, inclusion [and] justice…”  Having attempted to live my own life subscribing to the dissenting opinion of SCOTUS Justice John Marshall Harlan that “our Constitution is color-blind,” allow me to share a few brief observations that you and your Board members may wish to consider.

    First, I hope you recognize that the hoisting of the BLM banner underneath our nation’s own flag—which has not always been treated with dignity by this group—constitutes a controversial act. If there are no individuals within your community that feel this way, I would recommend they read Racism and anti-Racism in the World Before and After 1945 [2020] by Kathleen Brush. As a former educator charged with the responsibility of teaching controversial subjects to students, I understood I had the responsibility of presenting alternative points of view. Your district alludes to this in your own documents related to this topic. Unfortunately, your flying the BLM flag so prominently only serves to inform young impressionable minds that there is only ONE view to be taken about the merits and beliefs of this very multi-faceted group. Moreover, it affirms that their view of our nation’s past or the current state of police relations in minority communities is beyond discussion or debate.  

    Secondly, I would humbly submit that the documents posted on the BSD website by your Diversity Department [“Black Lives Matter FAQ” and the “six metaphors” analogy] neither comport to known facts nor present your district in a positive light.  As a result, your entire program and intent is based upon a false premise and you perpetuate the very ills you wish to correct. For example, nothing is said in these documents of the Marxist connections and extreme opinions held by the three original founders of the group. Moreover, the “victims” of systemic racism cited in paragraph one of the FAG document represent—in the minds of many American citizens—less than sympathetic persons. (See Candace Owens’ & Larry Elders' commentaries)  The FAQ comment that “as our nation grapples with anti-Black violence and the recent killings of Black people, we recognize that racism has persisted in our nation for centuries and we acknowledge the part that schools play in perpetuating institutional racism” perpetuates that false narrative that the police and most schools either exhibit or perpetuate racism and cause harm to African-Americans. On the contrary, a recent Gallup Poll has revealed the vast majority of Black residents in our cities want to see the same or even an increased police presence in their communities. The call of BLM to ‘defund’ or even eliminate law enforcement agencies has already led to huge increases in crime in many cities. Such claims and actions have long ago been debunked by Heather MacDonald “Does the Truth Matter?” She is now refuting the arguments that “activists and their media allies are marshaling over a more sweeping (false) set of facts to “prove” the dominance of white supremacy—the absence of a proportional representation of blacks in a range of organizations. This insufficient diversity in such groups results from racial bias, claim the activists…” (See MacDonald’s “The Biased Fallacy” for why there is ‘disparate impact” in many professions.)  

For other examples of how the materials used or recommended by your district serves to perpetuate ‘falsehoods’ see the appendix.

    Third, I would argue that the false narrative that BLM holds that our nation is systemically racist and that “fundamental change” is required to eliminate ‘whiteness’ in our society, is un-American and inherently racist in itself. This can be exposed with a few undeniable facts. The extensive list of Black politicians in the modern era who were elected by white-majority electorates should illustrate the falsehood of charging systemic racism against Blacks. Senator Edward Brooke, David Dinkins, Doug Wilder, Tom Bradley, Maynard Jackson, Andrew Young, Andrew Gillum, Richard Hatcher, Howard Nathaniel Lee, Carl Stokes, James Everett Chase, Henry Gantt, and, of course, Barak Obama—just to mention a few—were all elected with white majorities. This past year, eight Black Congressmen were elected by non-minority majority districts. Additionally, white voters historically have voted less on the issue of race than has the Black electorate as a whole. 

    It appears that your school district espouses the false BLM narrative that our nation is systemically racist. One wonders whether your teachers are using BLM or NY Times 1619 Project materials which have been cited by leading historians and even the NY Times ‘fact checker’ as historically inaccurate. Hannah Nikole-Jones—Nobel Prize-winning author for being instrumental in the 1619 Project and now NY Times Editor—has never recanted her vehemently racist rant against white people as a student at Notre Dame many years ago. Why should she when her overt racism has seen so little pushback? (For an alternative view, I’d recommend Brush’s book above--a short book under 100 pages that I would recommend be added as an instructional resource in your high school libraries and history classrooms.) That millions of non-white citizens chose to come to America despite the BLM claim that our nation is racist against persons of color lends further evident to the BLM false claim. So do facts concerning average family income disprove the BLM belief in ‘white privilege’. Census statistics reporting average household income by American ethnic group for 2018 revealed that the average income of English Americans ranked 85th out of 98 ethnicities at $47, 663.  The median income of all white households was $65,777. Many minority groups consisting of ‘people of color’ did far better. For example, Indian Americans ($123,453), Taiwanese-Americans ($102,328), Filipino-Americans ($92,328), Iranian-Americans ($75,905), Lebanese-Americans ($75,337), and Ghanaian-Americans ($66,571) all exceeded the income of the average white family. So did Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Pakistanis, Peruvians, and many other ethnic groups. These groups did far better than those identified as English-Americans. Even Haitian-Americans ($47,990) earned one spot higher than white English-Americans ($47,663) in 2018. And the white English-Americans were not alone. Scots-Irish Americans and French Americans also earned less than the average for all white Americans.  

      It is important to note that many people of color object to the false narratives being put forth by BLM activists and leaders. For example, Black Catholic Leader Louis Brown has argued, “the BLM organization itself, is seriously flawed…It’s agenda will cause harm to Black families.”  Muhammad Ali’s son has called the group ‘racist.’ Jason Riley, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Burgess Owens, Ben Carson, and Jason Whitlock, among others, have argued against the narrative that America is inherently racist and discriminates against people of color. BLM leaders and activists within their ranks, on the other hand, espouse virulently racist attacks against whites and with false charges of systemic racism against our nation. Kevin Peterson, a BLM activist with a long criminal history tweeted in June, “F--- white people, I’m as racist as F—“ before being shot for refusing to drop his gun while confronting police in Portland. Toronto BLM founder Yusra Khogali tweeted that whites were “subhuman" and should be “wiped out.” (See the appendix for many other examples.)  

     The Black Lives Matter riots that pummeled a hundred or more cities across the nation this past summer resulted in over $2 billion in damages and the loss of many innocent lives. Experts estimate that 95% of the riots involved BLM activists. Its tactics mirror those of Chinese Communist Red Guards during that nation’s Cultural Revolution. Despite attempts by the media to hide their aggression and assault of innocent people on the streets of many cities as well as our nation’s capital, countless videos exist on Twitter and YOUTUBE that expose this fact. Instead of waging war against “capitalists” the BLM activists are waging war against the police, ICE, white people in general, and those who don’t subscribe to their narrative. A war against police officers has resulted in the assassination of many police officers around the nation. The release of hundreds of arrested felons who were detained on charges of aggravated assault, arson, grand theft, and the destruction of property during the riots by Leftist District Attorneys has led to the retirement of countless other policemen who believe their elected officials do not support them. Moreover, the ‘stand down’ orders from other elected officials which led to mobs deliberately desecrating thousands of our nation’s historic monuments that have nothing to do with white supremacy was almost entirely promulgated by BLM mobs. (See examples below)  Lastly, as a result of the billions in damage linked to the BLM movement, insurance companies are no longer writing policies in certain areas of Portland. 

      Surely, a school district that prides itself on ‘inclusion’ and the valuing of ‘all’ will find the ability to do justice to those who may not subscribe to the BLM view of our nation’s past or its current position on contemporary racial problems. I challenge your Curriculum and Diversity departments to cite on your district website the instructional resources that present an ‘alternative’ view to your adoption of the BLM narrative and the promotion of the BLM curriculum materials described below. 


Jack Bovee

Past President, Florida Social Studies Supervisors Association
Past President, Florida Council for the Social Studies
Lee County Schools (FL) Elementary Principal of the Year 1998


Examples of the false BLM narrative contained in the documents written by your Diversity Department

A) Related to “Black Lives Matter FRQ “ pamphlet created by your office of Diversity  

     The three BLM founders that are cited in paragraph one: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi have all espoused racist and un-American values in their communications—some of which have since been scrubbed from the organization’s website.  

the three founders celebrated the life of convicted cop-killer and fugitive to Cuba, the former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur.  (Source here) 

One familiar chant of BLM activists is “It is our duty to fight for freedom…We have nothing to lose but our chains.”  (This last phrase taken from Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.”)    (Source here)

In Dec. 2016, Patrisse Cullors tweeted “ICE = Gestapo.”  Thus, it's clear that she views those who risk their lives to protect America’s borders as genocidal murderers who totally disregard human rights. (Source here

BLM leaders, many of whom were educated in private or elitist schools, oppose public charter schools, despite the fact these are very popular with minority parents and often provide the only opportunity for minority children to receive a quality education.  (Source here

Despite the problem of fatherhood in the Black community (75% of Black children do not live with their natural father), BLM leaders and the BLM website call for the end of the nuclear family as a patriarchal and oppressive holdover from Western Civilization. This will, of course, only exacerbate problems within the Black community. (Source here

Patrisse Cullors has authoritarian tendencies: she’s appointed herself “Executive Director” of BLM now that the organization has received over one half-billion dollars in corporate donations in the last six months. As a result of her authoritarian nature, 10 other BLM organizations have split away from her ‘leadership.’  (Source)  

B) From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document, paragraph 2 which calls for the end to ‘all forms of discrimination” and the end to all forms of “systemic injustice towards Black people” through “restorative solutions”.  How do race-based scholarships open only to specific minorities, separate standards for college admission, separate dorms, graduations, specific race-based set-asides for governmental contracts, and a whole multitude of other programs that majority students are not eligible for—help lead to “systemic discrimination against Blacks?” How does the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of ‘65, the ability to file discriminatory complaints with the federal Office of Civil Rights, and a multitude of other federal and state laws baring discrimination help “perpetuate” white racism? How does the argument that simple ‘disparate impact’ studies equate to prima facie evidence of racial discrimination—a basic tenet of BLM--when so many other variables are actually proven to be more responsible for such ‘gaps’ between the races?  That such factors are NOT described in your document, despite the fact federal law requires all schools and businesses—including your own—to post that they are “equal opportunity employers’ seems mystifying.

C) From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document third question: “But Don’t ‘All Lives Matter’?”  Both this paragraph and the related section in “Six Metaphors”—which helps the reader ‘understand’ this phrase—argue that the additional word “too” is intrinsic to the phrase “Black Lives Matter.”  The problem with this is several-fold. First, of the tens of thousands of signs held by protestors containing the words “Black Lives Matter”--there are none that I know of that contain this recent ‘addition’ to the phrase. Another problem is that BLM activists often demand acceptance of their view under threat of violence to those who do, in fact, counter with their own opinion that “all” lives matter. A woman was murdered and many students have been disciplined or suspended from college organizations over simply affirming their personal belief that “all lives matter.” Saying ‘all’ lives matter in today’s politically correct ‘woke’ society is now somehow racially “insensitive” whereas the threatening and disciplining of others for their opinion on this controversial topic is not.  Here are only a few examples: 

Student faces 50 day suspension for saying ‘All Lives Matter’ 

Student Claims She was Kicked out of Sorority After Posting ‘All Lives Matter’ 

Man Assaulted After Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ 

Jessica Whittaker Shot Dead After Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ 

NBA announcer Grant Napear fired over ‘All Lives Matter’ comment

People Cancelled, Silenced and Shot for saying, ‘All Lives Matter’ 

Gemma Collins slammed for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

University of MASS Nursing Dean Fired After Saying ‘Every Life Matters’ 

Stan Wischnowski Forced to Resign after saying “Buildings Matter, too”

Reporter Forced to Step Down over “Black Lives Matter” comments

Catholic Teacher Fired for Criticizing Black Lives Matter movement 

Mayor Pete Buttigieg apologizes for saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Martin O’Malley (MD Governor) Apologizes for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’ 

PA Special Ed Teacher of 27 Yrs Service Fired for BLM comment 

Soccer Star Aleksandar Katai released after WIFE’S anti Black Lives Matter comments

VP Pence Savaged for Saying “Every Human Life is Precious” & “All Lives Matter”

Former Canadian Cabinet Minister Loses 3 Jobs for Saying “Canada is not racist” 

  Video examples here and here

What’s ironic is that a majority of Black people have no problem with the phrase “All Lives Matter”! 

D.  From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document fourth question:  “but isn’t the Black Lives Matter movement anti-police?” Contrary to your district’s view, many Americans believe that it is. For months, BLM has argued to defund police departments and has successfully attacked and destroyed several such precinct headquarters.  Again, BLM members are out of step with Black residents of inner cities who overwhelmingly—86% in a recent Gallup Poll—want the same or even an increased presence in their communities. Numerous calls by BLM leaders and activists for ‘dead cops’ and for ‘pigs to be fried like bacon’ are well documented. During the summer BLM riots, over one dozen officers were murdered and hundreds more injured by violent mobs that threw bricks, rocks, fireworks and bags of excrement at them. Just as the lie that Michael Brown had his ‘hands up’ and pleaded ‘don’t shoot’ was one of the falsehoods that led to the onset of the BLM movement, the argument claiming police racism against black men has been rejected by numerous studies and by even a cursory examination of the facts. Accounting for demographics, a higher percent of unarmed white men than Black men have been killed by aggressive police tactics. In one study, the “black officer kills a black felon at a rate more than double the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed black felons.” Another study revealed that black officers were 67% more likely than their white colleagues to mistakenly shoot an unarmed suspect. Another study revealed that Black officers shoot Black suspects more often than white officers.  Roland Fryer, a Harvard researcher, found no racial bias in police interactions with Black males that that police were more likely to use force on white suspects than black. Heather Mac Donald, who has studied the problem for years has concluded, “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.”  A study by the National Academy of Sciences reported similar findings.  Another report revealed that Blacks were three times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by police.  It showed that in approximately 50 million police encounters, there were 14 deaths of unarmed Black men and 8 of these involved the suspect attacking or struggling with the police. 

     Moreover, any examination of police brutality must take into consideration the number of criminal acts and the number of ‘encounters’ such groups have with the police. Black men who comprise approximately 6% of the population commit 50% of the homicides in the nation. In fact, Black males commit a significantly higher percent of ALL sorts of crime than whites, from driving through red lights and speeding to armed robberies or sexual assaults. As Larry Elder has argued, this false narrative is not only causing the murders of police (2 execution-style murders of police in New York City, 3 in Baton Rouge and 5 in Dallas, etc.), it is leading to more Black males being killed, who increasingly resist arrest because they believe all police are racists. Finally, when it comes to actual hate crimes, the FBI reports that hate crimes are more likely to be committed by minorities than white people. (More sources here, here, here, here, here, and here.) 

E. In your fifth Q&A--“Shouldn’t schools stay away from politics and be non-partisan?”—your district admits, “yes, schools should be non-partisan…” and “Schools need to help students learn how to discuss difficult topics with different perspectives.” Your unqualified support for the false BLM narratives, however, openly reveals that your district does not live up to its responsibility of providing students with “different perspectives.” Your policy amounts to adopting and endorsing racial bias and propaganda from an extremist, Marxist group that has committed unprecedented damage to our nation.  (See next section below.)

F. Your pamphlet ends with the statement that “the BSD strongly denounce racism in all its forms.” Really? How can you, when you examine the racist motives behind the BLM curriculum and many of its spokespersons? (See the next section below) 

Examples of Racism and Violence Espoused by Black Lives Matter Leaders and Activists

Hawk Newsome, a prominent BLM leader defended last summer's violence and rioting resulting in  $2 billion in property damage during last summer’s riots.  (Source here

In 2016, the FBI declared Black Identity Extremists a “serious violent threat to law and order.”  

During the invasion of the nearby library at Dartmouth College (11-2015), 150 Black Lives Matter activists screamed racial obscenities and demanded recognition from white students who were studying there. White students were told to ‘stand’ in support of BLM and those who refused were verbally assaulted. For example, one seated white female who remained seated was berated with “you filthy white racist piece of shit,”  When another white female burst into tears after being threatened, she was told in her face “F--- your white tears.”  (Source here) 

During a BLM protest in Dallas, Micah Johnson, a black-racist army veteran sympathetic to the false narrative of police oppression, assassinated five police officers and wounded nine others. 

When a Black assailant shot two defenseless LA police officers seated in their car at point-blank range, many BLM activists showed up at the hospital to bar their being able to be admitted, shouting “We hope they die!” (Source here

Black Lives Matter members stormed a news station that dared to report unfavorably on their violent actions in Seattle.  (Source here) On many other occasions, videos posted to Twitter showed BLM activists telling others to ‘film no violent acts’ delivered against innocent citizens.

Your website reference to the ‘6 Metaphors’ parental resource reveals the following:

-- a statement by Ginna Green that “anti-Black racism is hardwired into America’s DNA”

-- the statement “Black lives are in danger!” implies the greatest dangers to the Black community arise from “systemic white privilege’ and ‘racism.’  It never discusses the leading cause of death among young Black males—homicide caused by other Black males. Nor does it discuss endemic rates of illegitimacy or the devastating abortion rates of Black females as factors negatively impacting Black lives.  Such facts are obviously not open for discussion.

-- the statement by Given Sharp, “until the day comes that Black Americans aren’t being shot in their homes, in the street, and in their cars, you CANNOT tell me that all lives matter in the eyes of our society. All lives won’t matter until black lives do” is reminiscent of the false claim LeBron James tweeted out to his 66 million followers, “We’re literally being hunted EVERY DAY/EVERY TIME we step outside the comfort of our homes!” Such comments—if not outright racist in their nature—are patently untrue. Neither whites nor police are shooting large numbers of Blacks “in their homes, in the street and in their cars…” They are being killed by other Black males. As a result of your district’s promoting this false narrative, one is left to wonder what curriculum resources does your district use or cite to dispel the incendiary statement by Given Sharp above?

-- the “Broken Bone” cartoon analogy in the ‘6 Metaphors’ resource uses cute gingerbread cartoon figures to promote the falsehood that the ‘crying full-figured’ cookie which reflects majority culture is selfish. On the contrary, there are countless programs by our ‘system’ seeking to redress the existing poverty and problems within minority communities. To be more accurate, the “Broken Bone” cartoons would need to have the injured gingerbread-man accuse the fully-limbed cookie of deliberately causing his leg to be broken. Isn’t this what BLM is saying when it accuses our nation of systemic racism and when they never acknowledge some of the results of disparate impact rests the consequences of individual choice? Again, does your district treat this ‘difficult subject’ with balance and accuracy?  I think not.

-- the statement by Aliza Garza that “Black lives, which are seen as without value within White supremacy…”  One is to assume, I guess, that the countless Affirmative Action programs--which ‘systemically discriminate against white males’--serve only to prove that whites as a group don’t ‘value’ Black lives. Although statistics abound about the disparate impact of police interactions within minority communities (most often with no mention of crime rates), you will search in vain to find any research study on the devastating impact that legally sanctioned ‘systemic discriminatory programs’ have upon white families. Garza also falsely asks, “are all races getting routinely killed by police for no reason?” The facts and many sources already cited above regarding police encounters and even those ‘victims’ identified by your Diversity Department in its BLM FAG proves the falsehood of Garza’s statement.

At some BLM protest marches, members have chanted “Pigs in a Blanket--Fry ‘Em Like Bacon” and “What do we want--Dead Cops!” and “F--- the Police”  (sources here, here, here and here)  Such open calls for violence against the police and the many assaults and deadly attacks upon law enforcement officers by those linked to BLM exposes the fallacy of its claim that it seeks only to end police ‘brutality’ and that BLM does not favor violence. Moreover, the false narrative that BLM claims that police are murdering ‘unarmed’ innocent black men creates unfounded hatred toward our police. This only results in the likelihood of even more violence between an unjustified anger of young Black men towards the police. This false narrative is so widely accepted now, that one poll in 2018 revealed that Blacks felt the correct figure of unarmed Black men being killed by the police was from 1,000 to 1,400 innocent persons when the actual correct figure was 9.  

Heather MacDonald’s research reveals, “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.”

A revealing example of the above took place when the parents of two teens who were jailed after shooting at police blamed the BLM movement for brainwashing their sons into attempted murder. “They are in jail for doing what Black Lives Matter wanted them to do: shoot at cops,” they said. BLM spokesmen denied they favored violence, but the anti-police spray-paint invective, their many violent confrontations against the police, the burning of hundreds of police cars, and the injuries they inflicted upon law-enforcement officers by their members in over 557 riots that took place this past summer disprove such remarks.    

Yet another example of the vicious propaganda that fuels violence and today’s ever-increasing executions of law enforcement personnel rests with the artwork so prominently displayed inside our nation’s capital by Rep. Lacy Clay that falsely depicted police as ‘pigs’ who were terrorizing Black communities.  

In Indianapolis a Black man who purportedly wore a BLM T-Shirt with ‘F--- the police” on one side was arrested for firing 17 shots into a police officer’s home and shouting obscenities.  

In May 2016, Dawud Abdulwali deliberately burned down an apartment complex in a cocaine-induced fit causing $100 million in damages, then bragged about it one week later when admitting he was upset over the death of Michael Brown.  

Examples Supporting Marxism or Authoritarianism by BLM leaders

Patrisse Cullors has unapologetically stated: “Myself and Alicia in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories.”  (Source

When Cuban dictator and human-rights abuser Fidel Castro died on November 25, 2016, the Black Lives Matter leadership published an article titled, “Lessons from Fidel: Black Lives Matter and the Transition of El Comandante.” It advocated the many “lessons that we take from Fidel.”  (Source

In January 2015, Patrisse Cullors joined others for a 10-day trip to the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank. Her hope was to publicly draw a parallel between what they portrayed as Israeli oppression of Palestinians and police violence against blacks in the United States. The following August, Cullors allied BLM with the Hamas terrorists who ruled the Gaza strip. Both groups share the common goal of destroying Israel, hoping to see the decline of capitalist America, and the successful take-over of the nation by radical, Marxist groups.   (Source

BLM is tied intrinsically to Black Liberation Theology with its heavily Marxist, anti-American overtones. 

BLM & Hamas: A Marriage Made in Hell” cites other examples - 

Tactics of BLM Demonstrators to Desecrate Our National Monuments and to Deconstruct Traditional American History and Values Reflect Tools Employed by Authoritarians

A complete list of the dozens historical monuments that have been desecrated this past year by BLM activists and their allies is too long to be explored here. Suffice to say, the aims of the BLM movement to desecrate federal buildings, courthouses and historical monuments goes far beyond those linked to ‘white supremacy’ and seek to deconstruct our national heritage. Leftist curriculum, which has dominated our public schools for the past several decades, has succeeded in creating a sizeable percent of young Americans who seek to remove our historical legacy through illegal and mob-like means. Among those desecrated monuments were many of individuals who were instrumental in the fight to end slavery, were leaders in the struggle for equality or who otherwise made positive contributions to our nation. The list includes, but is not limited to, the desecration of the Lincoln and World War II Memorials in our nation’s capitol as well as other symbolic group monuments such as those dedicated to the 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment (Boston), the likeness of Norse explorers (Philadelphia), Texas Rangers (Dallas), western pioneers (University of Oregon), gold rush prospectors (Cal State-Long Beach), and Social Progress (U of WI, Madison).  

In addition to these, the desecration of the individual likenesses of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, Ulysses S. Grant, Christopher Columbus, William McKinley, David Farragut, Mohandas Gandhi, Miguel de Cervantes, Frank Rizzo, John Sutter, Phillip Schuyler, William Clark, Albert Pike, John Sutter, George Rogers Clark, Caesar Rodney, Thaddeaus Kosciuszko, Stand Waite, Junipero Serra, Mathias Baldwin, Hans Christian Heg, Woodrow Wilson, as well many others cannot be ignored. 

Nor should law-abiding Americans tolerate the illegal and criminal destruction of hundreds of monuments dedicated to the preservation of Southern Heritage. 

By cherry-picking historical events to create a false historical narrative of America, BLM leaders have put forth a revisionist history akin to the flawed Howard Zinn approach to our past. They have succeeded in creating a huge segment of our youth who now despise our nation’s history, its Founders and Presidents, and much of our legislative history, domestic policy, and our nation’s role in international affairs. This is clearly evident when—for example—a statue of Lincoln, Franklin, Washington, or Thomas Jefferson is desecrated for one or more personal ‘sins’ (according to contemporary standards) while ignoring the totality of each person’s much more significant contributions. Interestingly, statues of leftists or communists such as those dedicated to Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, and others have remained untouched and the role extremists (including cop killers and the Puerto Rican terrorists who shot up Congress) have been treated favorably.

The illegal tactics of BLM activists and their allies mirror the attempts of totalitarian societies and dictators to change history. They employ the methods of Stalin, the Taliban, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Castro and others to destroy the historical legacy of the past along the lines George Orwell described in 1984.

BLM Leader Shaun King; Statues of Christ represent ‘White Supremacy’ & Should be Torn Down –   

Bishop Who Knelt to BLM Has Church Statue of Jesus Later Decapitated 

BLM Organizer Defends and Encourages Looting ‘as reparations’--refuses to recant 

BLM activists resort to illegal, criminal means to accomplish this goal because they know the vast majority of American citizens would nnot support the destruction of these monuments or their revisionist interpretation of our nation’s past. 

The criminal and illegal methods of the  BLM movement and its allies should NOT be celebrated by flying its flag underneath the American flag!

False Narratives Against the Police have led to not only acts of violence and their execution-style murders, but the injury of hundreds of officers, a loss of police morale [in the face of repeated media attacks and the lack of support by elected officials] mass resignations, and the wrongful dehumanization of those who risk their lives to protect the public.  (See below for a short list of examples)

In New York, Criminals get gift cards while police are spit upon

In Cleveland area, police receive ‘spit masks’ to protect from Covid 

95% of 2020 Riots linked to BLM  

Man Fires 17 Shots into Officer’s Patrol Car and Home, Screams He Hates Police 

Mom and Children Arrested After Officers Attacked in Port Barre, Officers Hospitalized 

Man suspected in death of officer, woman dies  

Officer killed 

Painting of Cops as Pigs Hung Proudly in US Capitol 

Parents of Teenagers Jailed for Opening Fire on Police Officers Blame Black Lives Matter 

Rochester Restaurant BLM Confrontation Turns Violent - 

Police Attacked by Swarms of BLM Protestors  

BLM activists attack policeman with bat, hit from behind   

Black Dallas Police Officer Sues BLM for Damages & Preaching “We Want . . . Dead Cops” -

Responding to Representative Jasmine Crockett’s and Jamal Bowman’s Comments About 'Oppression'

Among the many recent examples of racism directed against both our nation and white people in particular, three examples prominently stand o...