The following letter was sent to the Superintendent and members of the School Board for Burlington, VT following news that all schools were flying the Black Lives Matter flag underneath the U.S. flag at all school locations. To download the actual PDF copy of the letter, complete with supporting photographs, click HERE.
December 18, 2020
Dr. Tom Flanagan, Superintendent
Burlington School District 150 Colchester Ave.
Burlington, VT 05401
Dear Superintendent Flanagan and Board Members,
I am writing to you as a one-time AP US History Teacher, a Social Studies Coordinator for two separately large school districts with combined student populations of approximately 175,000 students, and a former School Principal. My educational career spans over 45 years. As a former educator, I am concerned with the recent decision by BSD to fly the Black Lives Matter flag prominently at all your schools. I am heartened by your comments that in doing so, your school district is attempting to value “all its students.” In doing so, you stressed that raising the BLM flag at all your schools was "symbolically" committing the district to “anti-racist practices, diversity, inclusion [and] justice…” Having attempted to live my own life subscribing to the dissenting opinion of SCOTUS Justice John Marshall Harlan that “our Constitution is color-blind,” allow me to share a few brief observations that you and your Board members may wish to consider.
First, I hope you recognize that the hoisting of the BLM banner underneath our nation’s own flag—which has not always been treated with dignity by this group—constitutes a controversial act. If there are no individuals within your community that feel this way, I would recommend they read Racism and anti-Racism in the World Before and After 1945 [2020] by Kathleen Brush. As a former educator charged with the responsibility of teaching controversial subjects to students, I understood I had the responsibility of presenting alternative points of view. Your district alludes to this in your own documents related to this topic. Unfortunately, your flying the BLM flag so prominently only serves to inform young impressionable minds that there is only ONE view to be taken about the merits and beliefs of this very multi-faceted group. Moreover, it affirms that their view of our nation’s past or the current state of police relations in minority communities is beyond discussion or debate.
Secondly, I would humbly submit that the documents posted on the BSD website by your Diversity Department [“Black Lives Matter FAQ” and the “six metaphors” analogy] neither comport to known facts nor present your district in a positive light. As a result, your entire program and intent is based upon a false premise and you perpetuate the very ills you wish to correct. For example, nothing is said in these documents of the Marxist connections and extreme opinions held by the three original founders of the group. Moreover, the “victims” of systemic racism cited in paragraph one of the FAG document represent—in the minds of many American citizens—less than sympathetic persons. (See Candace Owens’ & Larry Elders' commentaries) The FAQ comment that “as our nation grapples with anti-Black violence and the recent killings of Black people, we recognize that racism has persisted in our nation for centuries and we acknowledge the part that schools play in perpetuating institutional racism” perpetuates that false narrative that the police and most schools either exhibit or perpetuate racism and cause harm to African-Americans. On the contrary, a recent Gallup Poll has revealed the vast majority of Black residents in our cities want to see the same or even an increased police presence in their communities. The call of BLM to ‘defund’ or even eliminate law enforcement agencies has already led to huge increases in crime in many cities. Such claims and actions have long ago been debunked by Heather MacDonald “Does the Truth Matter?” She is now refuting the arguments that “activists and their media allies are marshaling over a more sweeping (false) set of facts to “prove” the dominance of white supremacy—the absence of a proportional representation of blacks in a range of organizations. This insufficient diversity in such groups results from racial bias, claim the activists…” (See MacDonald’s “The Biased Fallacy” for why there is ‘disparate impact” in many professions.)
For other examples of how the materials used or recommended by your district serves to perpetuate ‘falsehoods’ see the appendix.
Third, I would argue that the false narrative that BLM holds that our nation is systemically racist and that “fundamental change” is required to eliminate ‘whiteness’ in our society, is un-American and inherently racist in itself. This can be exposed with a few undeniable facts. The extensive list of Black politicians in the modern era who were elected by white-majority electorates should illustrate the falsehood of charging systemic racism against Blacks. Senator Edward Brooke, David Dinkins, Doug Wilder, Tom Bradley, Maynard Jackson, Andrew Young, Andrew Gillum, Richard Hatcher, Howard Nathaniel Lee, Carl Stokes, James Everett Chase, Henry Gantt, and, of course, Barak Obama—just to mention a few—were all elected with white majorities. This past year, eight Black Congressmen were elected by non-minority majority districts. Additionally, white voters historically have voted less on the issue of race than has the Black electorate as a whole.
It appears that your school district espouses the false BLM narrative that our nation is systemically racist. One wonders whether your teachers are using BLM or NY Times 1619 Project materials which have been cited by leading historians and even the NY Times ‘fact checker’ as historically inaccurate. Hannah Nikole-Jones—Nobel Prize-winning author for being instrumental in the 1619 Project and now NY Times Editor—has never recanted her vehemently racist rant against white people as a student at Notre Dame many years ago. Why should she when her overt racism has seen so little pushback? (For an alternative view, I’d recommend Brush’s book above--a short book under 100 pages that I would recommend be added as an instructional resource in your high school libraries and history classrooms.) That millions of non-white citizens chose to come to America despite the BLM claim that our nation is racist against persons of color lends further evident to the BLM false claim. So do facts concerning average family income disprove the BLM belief in ‘white privilege’. Census statistics reporting average household income by American ethnic group for 2018 revealed that the average income of English Americans ranked 85th out of 98 ethnicities at $47, 663. The median income of all white households was $65,777. Many minority groups consisting of ‘people of color’ did far better. For example, Indian Americans ($123,453), Taiwanese-Americans ($102,328), Filipino-Americans ($92,328), Iranian-Americans ($75,905), Lebanese-Americans ($75,337), and Ghanaian-Americans ($66,571) all exceeded the income of the average white family. So did Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Pakistanis, Peruvians, and many other ethnic groups. These groups did far better than those identified as English-Americans. Even Haitian-Americans ($47,990) earned one spot higher than white English-Americans ($47,663) in 2018. And the white English-Americans were not alone. Scots-Irish Americans and French Americans also earned less than the average for all white Americans.
It is important to note that many people of color object to the false narratives being put forth by BLM activists and leaders. For example, Black Catholic Leader Louis Brown has argued, “the BLM organization itself, is seriously flawed…It’s agenda will cause harm to Black families.” Muhammad Ali’s son has called the group ‘racist.’ Jason Riley, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Burgess Owens, Ben Carson, and Jason Whitlock, among others, have argued against the narrative that America is inherently racist and discriminates against people of color. BLM leaders and activists within their ranks, on the other hand, espouse virulently racist attacks against whites and with false charges of systemic racism against our nation. Kevin Peterson, a BLM activist with a long criminal history tweeted in June, “F--- white people, I’m as racist as F—“ before being shot for refusing to drop his gun while confronting police in Portland. Toronto BLM founder Yusra Khogali tweeted that whites were “subhuman" and should be “wiped out.” (See the appendix for many other examples.)
The Black Lives Matter riots that pummeled a hundred or more cities across the nation this past summer resulted in over $2 billion in damages and the loss of many innocent lives. Experts estimate that 95% of the riots involved BLM activists. Its tactics mirror those of Chinese Communist Red Guards during that nation’s Cultural Revolution. Despite attempts by the media to hide their aggression and assault of innocent people on the streets of many cities as well as our nation’s capital, countless videos exist on Twitter and YOUTUBE that expose this fact. Instead of waging war against “capitalists” the BLM activists are waging war against the police, ICE, white people in general, and those who don’t subscribe to their narrative. A war against police officers has resulted in the assassination of many police officers around the nation. The release of hundreds of arrested felons who were detained on charges of aggravated assault, arson, grand theft, and the destruction of property during the riots by Leftist District Attorneys has led to the retirement of countless other policemen who believe their elected officials do not support them. Moreover, the ‘stand down’ orders from other elected officials which led to mobs deliberately desecrating thousands of our nation’s historic monuments that have nothing to do with white supremacy was almost entirely promulgated by BLM mobs. (See examples below) Lastly, as a result of the billions in damage linked to the BLM movement, insurance companies are no longer writing policies in certain areas of Portland.
Surely, a school district that prides itself on ‘inclusion’ and the valuing of ‘all’ will find the ability to do justice to those who may not subscribe to the BLM view of our nation’s past or its current position on contemporary racial problems. I challenge your Curriculum and Diversity departments to cite on your district website the instructional resources that present an ‘alternative’ view to your adoption of the BLM narrative and the promotion of the BLM curriculum materials described below.
Jack Bovee
Past President, Florida Social Studies Supervisors Association
Past President, Florida Council for the Social Studies
Lee County Schools (FL) Elementary Principal of the Year 1998
Examples of the false BLM narrative contained in the documents written by your Diversity Department
A) Related to “Black Lives Matter FRQ “ pamphlet created by your office of Diversity
The three BLM founders that are cited in paragraph one: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi have all espoused racist and un-American values in their communications—some of which have since been scrubbed from the organization’s website.
the three founders celebrated the life of convicted cop-killer and fugitive to Cuba, the former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur. (Source here)
One familiar chant of BLM activists is “It is our duty to fight for freedom…We have nothing to lose but our chains.” (This last phrase taken from Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.”) (Source here)
In Dec. 2016, Patrisse Cullors tweeted “ICE = Gestapo.” Thus, it's clear that she views those who risk their lives to protect America’s borders as genocidal murderers who totally disregard human rights. (Source here)
BLM leaders, many of whom were educated in private or elitist schools, oppose public charter schools, despite the fact these are very popular with minority parents and often provide the only opportunity for minority children to receive a quality education. (Source here)
Despite the problem of fatherhood in the Black community (75% of Black children do not live with their natural father), BLM leaders and the BLM website call for the end of the nuclear family as a patriarchal and oppressive holdover from Western Civilization. This will, of course, only exacerbate problems within the Black community. (Source here)
Patrisse Cullors has authoritarian tendencies: she’s appointed herself “Executive Director” of BLM now that the organization has received over one half-billion dollars in corporate donations in the last six months. As a result of her authoritarian nature, 10 other BLM organizations have split away from her ‘leadership.’ (Source)
B) From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document, paragraph 2 which calls for the end to ‘all forms of discrimination” and the end to all forms of “systemic injustice towards Black people” through “restorative solutions”. How do race-based scholarships open only to specific minorities, separate standards for college admission, separate dorms, graduations, specific race-based set-asides for governmental contracts, and a whole multitude of other programs that majority students are not eligible for—help lead to “systemic discrimination against Blacks?” How does the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of ‘65, the ability to file discriminatory complaints with the federal Office of Civil Rights, and a multitude of other federal and state laws baring discrimination help “perpetuate” white racism? How does the argument that simple ‘disparate impact’ studies equate to prima facie evidence of racial discrimination—a basic tenet of BLM--when so many other variables are actually proven to be more responsible for such ‘gaps’ between the races? That such factors are NOT described in your document, despite the fact federal law requires all schools and businesses—including your own—to post that they are “equal opportunity employers’ seems mystifying.
C) From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document third question: “But Don’t ‘All Lives Matter’?” Both this paragraph and the related section in “Six Metaphors”—which helps the reader ‘understand’ this phrase—argue that the additional word “too” is intrinsic to the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” The problem with this is several-fold. First, of the tens of thousands of signs held by protestors containing the words “Black Lives Matter”--there are none that I know of that contain this recent ‘addition’ to the phrase. Another problem is that BLM activists often demand acceptance of their view under threat of violence to those who do, in fact, counter with their own opinion that “all” lives matter. A woman was murdered and many students have been disciplined or suspended from college organizations over simply affirming their personal belief that “all lives matter.” Saying ‘all’ lives matter in today’s politically correct ‘woke’ society is now somehow racially “insensitive” whereas the threatening and disciplining of others for their opinion on this controversial topic is not. Here are only a few examples:
Student faces 50 day suspension for saying ‘All Lives Matter’
Student Claims She was Kicked out of Sorority After Posting ‘All Lives Matter’
Man Assaulted After Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
Jessica Whittaker Shot Dead After Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
NBA announcer Grant Napear fired over ‘All Lives Matter’ comment
People Cancelled, Silenced and Shot for saying, ‘All Lives Matter’
Gemma Collins slammed for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
University of MASS Nursing Dean Fired After Saying ‘Every Life Matters’
Stan Wischnowski Forced to Resign after saying “Buildings Matter, too”
Reporter Forced to Step Down over “Black Lives Matter” comments
Catholic Teacher Fired for Criticizing Black Lives Matter movement
Mayor Pete Buttigieg apologizes for saying ‘All Lives Matter’
Martin O’Malley (MD Governor) Apologizes for Saying ‘All Lives Matter’
PA Special Ed Teacher of 27 Yrs Service Fired for BLM comment
Soccer Star Aleksandar Katai released after WIFE’S anti Black Lives Matter comments
VP Pence Savaged for Saying “Every Human Life is Precious” & “All Lives Matter”
Former Canadian Cabinet Minister Loses 3 Jobs for Saying “Canada is not racist”
Video examples here and here)
What’s ironic is that a majority of Black people have no problem with the phrase “All Lives Matter”!
D. From the BSD “BLM FRQ” document fourth question: “but isn’t the Black Lives Matter movement anti-police?” Contrary to your district’s view, many Americans believe that it is. For months, BLM has argued to defund police departments and has successfully attacked and destroyed several such precinct headquarters. Again, BLM members are out of step with Black residents of inner cities who overwhelmingly—86% in a recent Gallup Poll—want the same or even an increased presence in their communities. Numerous calls by BLM leaders and activists for ‘dead cops’ and for ‘pigs to be fried like bacon’ are well documented. During the summer BLM riots, over one dozen officers were murdered and hundreds more injured by violent mobs that threw bricks, rocks, fireworks and bags of excrement at them. Just as the lie that Michael Brown had his ‘hands up’ and pleaded ‘don’t shoot’ was one of the falsehoods that led to the onset of the BLM movement, the argument claiming police racism against black men has been rejected by numerous studies and by even a cursory examination of the facts. Accounting for demographics, a higher percent of unarmed white men than Black men have been killed by aggressive police tactics. In one study, the “black officer kills a black felon at a rate more than double the rate at which white and Hispanic officers killed black felons.” Another study revealed that black officers were 67% more likely than their white colleagues to mistakenly shoot an unarmed suspect. Another study revealed that Black officers shoot Black suspects more often than white officers. Roland Fryer, a Harvard researcher, found no racial bias in police interactions with Black males that that police were more likely to use force on white suspects than black. Heather Mac Donald, who has studied the problem for years has concluded, “if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians.” A study by the National Academy of Sciences reported similar findings. Another report revealed that Blacks were three times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by police. It showed that in approximately 50 million police encounters, there were 14 deaths of unarmed Black men and 8 of these involved the suspect attacking or struggling with the police.
Moreover, any examination of police brutality must take into consideration the number of criminal acts and the number of ‘encounters’ such groups have with the police. Black men who comprise approximately 6% of the population commit 50% of the homicides in the nation. In fact, Black males commit a significantly higher percent of ALL sorts of crime than whites, from driving through red lights and speeding to armed robberies or sexual assaults. As Larry Elder has argued, this false narrative is not only causing the murders of police (2 execution-style murders of police in New York City, 3 in Baton Rouge and 5 in Dallas, etc.), it is leading to more Black males being killed, who increasingly resist arrest because they believe all police are racists. Finally, when it comes to actual hate crimes, the FBI reports that hate crimes are more likely to be committed by minorities than white people. (More sources here, here, here, here, here, and here.)
E. In your fifth Q&A--“Shouldn’t schools stay away from politics and be non-partisan?”—your district admits, “yes, schools should be non-partisan…” and “Schools need to help students learn how to discuss difficult topics with different perspectives.” Your unqualified support for the false BLM narratives, however, openly reveals that your district does not live up to its responsibility of providing students with “different perspectives.” Your policy amounts to adopting and endorsing racial bias and propaganda from an extremist, Marxist group that has committed unprecedented damage to our nation. (See next section below.)
F. Your pamphlet ends with the statement that “the BSD strongly denounce racism in all its forms.” Really? How can you, when you examine the racist motives behind the BLM curriculum and many of its spokespersons? (See the next section below)
Examples of Racism and Violence Espoused by Black Lives Matter Leaders and Activists
Hawk Newsome, a prominent BLM leader defended last summer's violence and rioting resulting in $2 billion in property damage during last summer’s riots. (Source here)
In 2016, the FBI declared Black Identity Extremists a “serious violent threat to law and order.”
During the invasion of the nearby library at Dartmouth College (11-2015), 150 Black Lives Matter activists screamed racial obscenities and demanded recognition from white students who were studying there. White students were told to ‘stand’ in support of BLM and those who refused were verbally assaulted. For example, one seated white female who remained seated was berated with “you filthy white racist piece of shit,” When another white female burst into tears after being threatened, she was told in her face “F--- your white tears.” (Source here)
During a BLM protest in Dallas, Micah Johnson, a black-racist army veteran sympathetic to the false narrative of police oppression, assassinated five police officers and wounded nine others.
When a Black assailant shot two defenseless LA police officers seated in their car at point-blank range, many BLM activists showed up at the hospital to bar their being able to be admitted, shouting “We hope they die!” (Source here)
Black Lives Matter members stormed a news station that dared to report unfavorably on their violent actions in Seattle. (Source here) On many other occasions, videos posted to Twitter showed BLM activists telling others to ‘film no violent acts’ delivered against innocent citizens.
Your website reference to the ‘6 Metaphors’ parental resource reveals the following:
-- a statement by Ginna Green that “anti-Black racism is hardwired into America’s DNA”
-- the statement “Black lives are in danger!” implies the greatest dangers to the Black community arise from “systemic white privilege’ and ‘racism.’ It never discusses the leading cause of death among young Black males—homicide caused by other Black males. Nor does it discuss endemic rates of illegitimacy or the devastating abortion rates of Black females as factors negatively impacting Black lives. Such facts are obviously not open for discussion.
-- the statement by Given Sharp, “until the day comes that Black Americans aren’t being shot in their homes, in the street, and in their cars, you CANNOT tell me that all lives matter in the eyes of our society. All lives won’t matter until black lives do” is reminiscent of the false claim LeBron James tweeted out to his 66 million followers, “We’re literally being hunted EVERY DAY/EVERY TIME we step outside the comfort of our homes!” Such comments—if not outright racist in their nature—are patently untrue. Neither whites nor police are shooting large numbers of Blacks “in their homes, in the street and in their cars…” They are being killed by other Black males. As a result of your district’s promoting this false narrative, one is left to wonder what curriculum resources does your district use or cite to dispel the incendiary statement by Given Sharp above?
-- the “Broken Bone” cartoon analogy in the ‘6 Metaphors’ resource uses cute gingerbread cartoon figures to promote the falsehood that the ‘crying full-figured’ cookie which reflects majority culture is selfish. On the contrary, there are countless programs by our ‘system’ seeking to redress the existing poverty and problems within minority communities. To be more accurate, the “Broken Bone” cartoons would need to have the injured gingerbread-man accuse the fully-limbed cookie of deliberately causing his leg to be broken. Isn’t this what BLM is saying when it accuses our nation of systemic racism and when they never acknowledge some of the results of disparate impact rests the consequences of individual choice? Again, does your district treat this ‘difficult subject’ with balance and accuracy? I think not.
-- the statement by Aliza Garza that “Black lives, which are seen as without value within White supremacy…” One is to assume, I guess, that the countless Affirmative Action programs--which ‘systemically discriminate against white males’--serve only to prove that whites as a group don’t ‘value’ Black lives. Although statistics abound about the disparate impact of police interactions within minority communities (most often with no mention of crime rates), you will search in vain to find any research study on the devastating impact that legally sanctioned ‘systemic discriminatory programs’ have upon white families. Garza also falsely asks, “are all races getting routinely killed by police for no reason?” The facts and many sources already cited above regarding police encounters and even those ‘victims’ identified by your Diversity Department in its BLM FAG proves the falsehood of Garza’s statement.
At some BLM protest marches, members have chanted “Pigs in a Blanket--Fry ‘Em Like Bacon” and “What do we want--Dead Cops!” and “F--- the Police” (sources here, here, here and here) Such open calls for violence against the police and the many assaults and deadly attacks upon law enforcement officers by those linked to BLM exposes the fallacy of its claim that it seeks only to end police ‘brutality’ and that BLM does not favor violence. Moreover, the false narrative that BLM claims that police are murdering ‘unarmed’ innocent black men creates unfounded hatred toward our police. This only results in the likelihood of even more violence between an unjustified anger of young Black men towards the police. This false narrative is so widely accepted now, that one poll in 2018 revealed that Blacks felt the correct figure of unarmed Black men being killed by the police was from 1,000 to 1,400 innocent persons when the actual correct figure was 9.
Heather MacDonald’s research reveals, “The per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 45 times higher than the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.”
A revealing example of the above took place when the parents of two teens who were jailed after shooting at police blamed the BLM movement for brainwashing their sons into attempted murder. “They are in jail for doing what Black Lives Matter wanted them to do: shoot at cops,” they said. BLM spokesmen denied they favored violence, but the anti-police spray-paint invective, their many violent confrontations against the police, the burning of hundreds of police cars, and the injuries they inflicted upon law-enforcement officers by their members in over 557 riots that took place this past summer disprove such remarks.
Yet another example of the vicious propaganda that fuels violence and today’s ever-increasing executions of law enforcement personnel rests with the artwork so prominently displayed inside our nation’s capital by Rep. Lacy Clay that falsely depicted police as ‘pigs’ who were terrorizing Black communities.
In Indianapolis a Black man who purportedly wore a BLM T-Shirt with ‘F--- the police” on one side was arrested for firing 17 shots into a police officer’s home and shouting obscenities.
In May 2016, Dawud Abdulwali deliberately burned down an apartment complex in a cocaine-induced fit causing $100 million in damages, then bragged about it one week later when admitting he was upset over the death of Michael Brown.
Examples Supporting Marxism or Authoritarianism by BLM leaders
Patrisse Cullors has unapologetically stated: “Myself and Alicia in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories.” (Source)
When Cuban dictator and human-rights abuser Fidel Castro died on November 25, 2016, the Black Lives Matter leadership published an article titled, “Lessons from Fidel: Black Lives Matter and the Transition of El Comandante.” It advocated the many “lessons that we take from Fidel.” (Source)
In January 2015, Patrisse Cullors joined others for a 10-day trip to the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank. Her hope was to publicly draw a parallel between what they portrayed as Israeli oppression of Palestinians and police violence against blacks in the United States. The following August, Cullors allied BLM with the Hamas terrorists who ruled the Gaza strip. Both groups share the common goal of destroying Israel, hoping to see the decline of capitalist America, and the successful take-over of the nation by radical, Marxist groups. (Source)
BLM is tied intrinsically to Black Liberation Theology with its heavily Marxist, anti-American overtones.
“BLM & Hamas: A Marriage Made in Hell” cites other examples -
Tactics of BLM Demonstrators to Desecrate Our National Monuments and to Deconstruct Traditional American History and Values Reflect Tools Employed by Authoritarians
A complete list of the dozens historical monuments that have been desecrated this past year by BLM activists and their allies is too long to be explored here. Suffice to say, the aims of the BLM movement to desecrate federal buildings, courthouses and historical monuments goes far beyond those linked to ‘white supremacy’ and seek to deconstruct our national heritage. Leftist curriculum, which has dominated our public schools for the past several decades, has succeeded in creating a sizeable percent of young Americans who seek to remove our historical legacy through illegal and mob-like means. Among those desecrated monuments were many of individuals who were instrumental in the fight to end slavery, were leaders in the struggle for equality or who otherwise made positive contributions to our nation. The list includes, but is not limited to, the desecration of the Lincoln and World War II Memorials in our nation’s capitol as well as other symbolic group monuments such as those dedicated to the 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment (Boston), the likeness of Norse explorers (Philadelphia), Texas Rangers (Dallas), western pioneers (University of Oregon), gold rush prospectors (Cal State-Long Beach), and Social Progress (U of WI, Madison).
In addition to these, the desecration of the individual likenesses of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, Ulysses S. Grant, Christopher Columbus, William McKinley, David Farragut, Mohandas Gandhi, Miguel de Cervantes, Frank Rizzo, John Sutter, Phillip Schuyler, William Clark, Albert Pike, John Sutter, George Rogers Clark, Caesar Rodney, Thaddeaus Kosciuszko, Stand Waite, Junipero Serra, Mathias Baldwin, Hans Christian Heg, Woodrow Wilson, as well many others cannot be ignored.
Nor should law-abiding Americans tolerate the illegal and criminal destruction of hundreds of monuments dedicated to the preservation of Southern Heritage.
By cherry-picking historical events to create a false historical narrative of America, BLM leaders have put forth a revisionist history akin to the flawed Howard Zinn approach to our past. They have succeeded in creating a huge segment of our youth who now despise our nation’s history, its Founders and Presidents, and much of our legislative history, domestic policy, and our nation’s role in international affairs. This is clearly evident when—for example—a statue of Lincoln, Franklin, Washington, or Thomas Jefferson is desecrated for one or more personal ‘sins’ (according to contemporary standards) while ignoring the totality of each person’s much more significant contributions. Interestingly, statues of leftists or communists such as those dedicated to Vladimir Lenin, Karl Marx, and others have remained untouched and the role extremists (including cop killers and the Puerto Rican terrorists who shot up Congress) have been treated favorably.
The illegal tactics of BLM activists and their allies mirror the attempts of totalitarian societies and dictators to change history. They employ the methods of Stalin, the Taliban, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Castro and others to destroy the historical legacy of the past along the lines George Orwell described in 1984.
BLM Leader Shaun King; Statues of Christ represent ‘White Supremacy’ & Should be Torn Down –
Bishop Who Knelt to BLM Has Church Statue of Jesus Later Decapitated
BLM Organizer Defends and Encourages Looting ‘as reparations’--refuses to recant
BLM activists resort to illegal, criminal means to accomplish this goal because they know the vast majority of American citizens would nnot support the destruction of these monuments or their revisionist interpretation of our nation’s past.
The criminal and illegal methods of the BLM movement and its allies should NOT be celebrated by flying its flag underneath the American flag!
False Narratives Against the Police have led to not only acts of violence and their execution-style murders, but the injury of hundreds of officers, a loss of police morale [in the face of repeated media attacks and the lack of support by elected officials] mass resignations, and the wrongful dehumanization of those who risk their lives to protect the public. (See below for a short list of examples)
In New York, Criminals get gift cards while police are spit upon
In Cleveland area, police receive ‘spit masks’ to protect from Covid
95% of 2020 Riots linked to BLM
Man Fires 17 Shots into Officer’s Patrol Car and Home, Screams He Hates Police
Mom and Children Arrested After Officers Attacked in Port Barre, Officers Hospitalized
Man suspected in death of officer, woman dies
Officer killed
Painting of Cops as Pigs Hung Proudly in US Capitol
Parents of Teenagers Jailed for Opening Fire on Police Officers Blame Black Lives Matter
Rochester Restaurant BLM Confrontation Turns Violent -
Police Attacked by Swarms of BLM Protestors
BLM activists attack policeman with bat, hit from behind
Black Dallas Police Officer Sues BLM for Damages & Preaching “We Want . . . Dead Cops” -